Event information
THE PROBLEM People make thousands of decisions every day, and end up regretting a huge portion of them. In fact, research suggests they regret more than a fifth of their decisions. Over a lifetime, that can equate to hundreds of thousands of regrets. Organisationally, poor decision making impacts every area of the business with dire consequences. Stakeholders become disenfranchised, time and money is wasted, and considering any type of change or transformation starts to look like a threat - not an opportunity. There is a way to make decisions well, and have them stick over time.
WHO IS IT FOR: The Decision Thinking Accelerator is designed for anyone seeking to improve their decision making skills, both personally and professionally.
YOU WILL GET Participants will be introduced to the principles of Decision Thinking and identify the opportunity to apply it in their own lives – both personally and professionally.
The session includes real-world examples of the application of Decision Thinking, and you will leave with actionable insights and tools.