Enhancing service delivery through behavioural insights
The NSW Behavioural Insights Unit uses the latest research into how people think and act in the real world to help solve diverse challenges and improve the effectiveness of public policy and service delivery.
The Unit works closely with NSW Government agencies to research, design, deliver and evaluate services and policies.
Our services
There are four main ways we help NSW Government agencies:

Our tailored services include rapid evidence reviews and tests of underlying behavioural assumptions or challenges. We regularly host support clinics to tease out and pressure test behavioural challenges or you can contact us about evidence checks.
We advise on a range of challenges such as increasing take up of training and supporting cutomers in distress.

Our sludge toolkit and expert support assists services to identify, quantify and remove the barriers (the ‘sludge’) that get in the way of people experiencing a better, more inclusive and effective service.
Our sludge audits have been effective in reducing barriers and burdens in processes such as licence applications and health check appointments.
We support agencies to build and test effective ways to change behaviour and improve citizen outcomes. We use the most rigorous methodology we can, often randomised controlled trials (RCTs), to determine whether the intervention works and how it can be implemented.
We develop behavioural interventions to complex challenges such as increasing women’s participation in trades and increasing engagement in justice programs.

We grow NSW public sector confidence and capability in using behavioural sciences and economics to improve citizen outcomes.
We organise Behaviour Smart Bootcamps to solve challenges and deliver tailored workshops to apply behavioural insights to your service delivery.
Recent examples of our work
Education - rural
Three times more teacher applications for rural and remote schools - more than 100 placed.
27% more women reapplying for leadership roles. Gender gap in reapplication reduced from 45% to 4%.
Contact us
Fill out our form to make an enquiry, learn about our research or get help with your agency.
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