Local Land Services is made up of 11 regions, each with its own board of local community representatives.
Minister for Agriculture Tara Moriarty said boards and committees play a key role at Local Land Services and the review will provide valuable insights into their functions and responsibilities.
“Local Land Services boards and committees are an integral part the agency, working closely with landholders and local communities to identify and deliver services relevant to local needs,” Ms Moriarty said.
“Boards also have a strong focus on the strategic direction of the agency, promoting its services, encouraging partnerships and building strong relationships with investors.
“As a government, we’re currently conducting reviews of government boards and committees to ensure they’re fit-for purpose and set up to best serve the people of NSW.
“I’ve requested this review to assess the existing Local Land Services boards and committee structures to determine whether they are meeting current and future needs.
“Local Land Services is approaching 10 years of operation, so this review is timely to understand whether the existing structure of boards and committees are appropriate for the functions they perform.”
Renata Brooks, an independent director and consultant who has previously held senior executive positions at NSW Department of Primary Industries, will undertake the review.
Ms Brooks is due to provide a formal report from the review, including options for considerations, by the end of August.
“Reviewing functions and teams within an organisation is a foundation for ongoing success,” Ms Moriarty said.
“Over the coming months, several appointments need to be made to Local Land Services boards. As part of my due diligence, I don’t want to start these processes until this review is complete as the findings will give me confidence that Local Land Services boards are set up for ongoing success.”