About the projects
Local Land Services is the NSW regional delivery partner for the Australian Governments Natural Heritage Trust (NHT). The work is set to boost environmental protection, sustainable agriculture and natural resource management outcomes across NSW.
The projects are being delivered across NSW over 5 years to 2028 and assist with:
- recovery of threatened species, including native animals and plants
- reducing threats to important wetlands and world heritage sites
- improving on-farm soil, biodiversity and vegetation
- helping farmers adapt to climate change.
Much of this work will build on the important outcomes Local Land Services has delivered across NSW during the last decade with the support of the Australian Government through the National Landcare Program.

Protect and recover threatened species, including native animals and plants.
Safeguard vital wetlands and world heritage areas from threats.
Enhance soil health, biodiversity and vegetation on farms.
Support farmers to adapt to climate change.
Partner with First Nations peoples, valuing cultural and historical knowledge to enrich project outcomes.
Implement practices that strengthen the natural resilience of ecosystems, helping them adapt and thrive under changing climate conditions.
Sustainable Agriculture Facilitators
There is a Sustainable Agriculture Facilitator in each Local Land Services region. They provide support and education to landholders, community groups and agricultural industries on climate-smart, sustainable agricultural practices.
They can help with:
- best practice natural resource management
- biodiversity and carbon markets
- practices that support emission reductions and build climate resilience on-farm.
Regional delivery
These projects will benefit a wide range of species, landscapes, Ramsar wetlands and world heritage areas across NSW. We’re proud to work alongside First Nations communities, who are leading some of this important work

Bellinger River snapping turtle

Caring for Country - a First Nations-led project




Greater Blue Mountains world heritage area



Highland Wetlands Conservation


Plains-wanderer conservation


Regent honeyeater conservation


Strong culture - Healthy Country – a First Nations-led project

Threatened ecological communities (TECs) on farms

Towra Point Ramsar site

Visions for healthy Country
To deliver the NHT projects LLS is working collaboratively with a diverse range of organisations and people such as NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, First Nations communities, Landcare groups, BirdLife Australia, local councils, landholders, species experts and community groups.
- Australian Government Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW)
- The Australian Government Natural Heritage Trust
- Climate-Smart Agricultural Program - DAFF
- NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service
- Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
- How we work with First Nations communities
Contact Local Land Services NSW
Our team welcome your enquiries, feedback and comments.
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