Dawn Evans (Enrolled Nurse/Aboriginal Health Practitioner, formerly of Wilcannia Health Service) was awarded Aboriginal Nurse/Midwife of the Year.
Timothy O’Neill (Workforce and Leadership, Far West Local Health District) was awarded the Healing Heart Award for exceptional care (Nursing/Midwifery) – nominated by colleagues.
Tim and Dawn epitomise the outstanding contributions nurses and midwives make every day in Far West LHD and NSW Health, and recognises them for excellence in practice and for the significant contribution they make to their professions, their teams and the community.
Dawn and Tim are continuing the long tradition of Far West nurses and midwives being acknowledged for their excellence and professionalism.
You can watch the awards including our nurses speaking on being nominated and winning in their category at Excellence in Nursing and Midwifery Awards.
Dawn Evans - Aboriginal Nurse/Midwife of the Year 2021, NSW Health Excellence in Nursing and Midwifery Awards:
Dawn Evans, a popular and experienced nurse and qualified Aboriginal Health Practitioner who worked with the Wilcannia Health Service for 15 years, is the Aboriginal Nurse/Midwife of the Year in the 2021 NSSW Health Excellence in Nursing and Midwifery Awards.
“Getting this award just makes you want to be better and do more and more,” she said. “Achieving something and being able to help people is just beautiful.”
Dawn’s nomination for the Award said, “Dawn demonstrates a genuine commitment and passion, and she works tirelessly to improve health outcomes for both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people in the community of Wilcannia.
“I would like to thank all my work colleagues in Wilcannia,” said Dawn. “It's just great that they recognise the good work I've done. I just think I'm overwhelmed, but you know you're helping people, and that moves me.”
Timothy O’Neill - Healing Heart (Colleague) Award, 2021 NSW Health Excellence in Nursing and Midwifery Awards
The winner of the 2021 NSW Health Excellence in Nursing and Midwifery ‘Healing Heart’ (colleague) Award is Nurse Manager Workforce and Leadership for the Far West LHD, Tim O’Neill.
Tim’s nomination for the award says it all: “Tim demonstrates an extraordinary commitment to the LHD nursing workforce, his colleagues and the public. As a leader Tim is compassionate and leads with hope, enthusiasm and commitment. He is kind and caring - nothing is ever too much trouble for Tim. For Tim excellence is not merely a skill, it is an attitude.”
Tim is respected not only by his nursing colleagues but all staff within the FWLHD, and he is committed to enhancing a positive practice environment that ensures staff safety and wellbeing are well supported and always at the forefront of the organisation, this in turn is translated to high quality care for patients and increased staff morale and productivity.
“Far West has been very rewarding to me. I think I've got more out of it than I've put into it, put it that way,” said Tim.