Local Prostate Cancer Specialist Nurse Ruben Hillier has joined the quest to make prostate cancer history this September and is calling on the community to join in.
September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month and to help raise funds and awareness, the local specialist nurse has joined The Long Run, in support of Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia (PCFA).
They will be running, walking and wheeling 72km for men with prostate cancer, aiming to collectively cover the distance to the moon, 384,400km and take research and support services sky-high.
Far West LHD Prostate Cancer Specialist Nurse Ruben Hillier said action was urgently needed, with prostate cancer recently overtaking breast cancer as Australia’s most common cause of cancer.
“The number of men being diagnosed with prostate cancer is increasing more rapidly than any other type of cancer, with 66 men diagnosed every single day,” he said.
“Men with prostate cancer face a 70 per cent increased risk of suicide death, and 72 per cent of men do not access support for their mental health concerns.
“That’s why we’re running 72km – to raise awareness of the impact of prostate cancer and the services available to support men diagnosed,” he said.
Ruben said compared to many areas in Australia, men in the Far West region are older and the health services are often further away. “Getting the timely treatment our men need is more complex when distance is involved. This is why it is extra important to raise awareness for our men and their families to get support and get checked. Specialist nurses play a critical role in providing the right guidance, care and support.
“From the point of diagnosis, we offer expert education and information about treatment plans, referrals to services both in the hospital and community, and provide an ongoing point of contact and support for men and families,” he said. “The community can take action by joining The Long Run and raising funds to enable these vital services to continue.”
PCFA CEO Anne Savage said thousands were expected to join the team of Prostate Cancer Specialist Nurses in reaching for the moon.
“This year’s Long Run is expected to be the biggest in history, with more than 24,000 Australian men likely to be diagnosed this year, including many men in the local community,” Ms Savage said.
“Our aim is to raise over $1.7 million for research and support, by calling on Australians to help us cover the distance to the moon – 384,400km.”
Register to join The Long Run now via thelongrun.org.au. For information and support, call PCFA on 1800 22 00 99 or, call Ruben directly on 08 8080 2272. Visit the website for more information, www.pcfa.org.au.
Communities in Broken Hill, Tibooburra, Wentworth, Buronga and Dareton are set to benefit from new Key Worker Accommodation which will help attract, recruit and retain more healthcare workers.