We recognise having a trusted birth partner as a participant-in-care is known to make a significant difference to the safety and wellbeing of a woman during labour and birth. As a result we have made some small changes to our current approach.
Across all our facilities, birthing women are allowed one nominated participant-in-care, regardless of their vaccination status, for the duration of labour, birth and the postnatal period.
They may visit the postnatal ward during the hours of 8am to 8pm. The participant-in-care will be required to:
- undergo a rapid antigen test on arrival to the birth suite on the day of baby’s birth and again on arrival to the postnatal ward every second day
- wear a mask at all times and maintain social distancing.
The participant-in-care will be given a letter that outlines the current requirements and documents the results of their rapid antigen test. This letter must be carried at all times while in the hospital.
A participant-in-care will not be permitted entry to the hospital if they:
- are COVID-19 positive
- have symptoms
- are a close contact and are required to isolate.
If the participant-in-care returns a positive rapid antigen test while visiting the postnatal ward, they will be asked to leave immediately and self-isolate at home.
Prenatal appointments
Currently, women are unable to be accompanied for prenatal appointments due to the risk of COVID-19 transmission.
If you have specific concerns regarding these restrictions, you’re encouraged to speak with your treating team regarding seeking an exemption on compassionate grounds.