About our Simulation Centre
Hunter New England Simulation Centre (the Centre) is a world-class interprofessional, multi-skilled educational facility that delivers simulation-based team training to thousands of healthcare professionals every year.
Our state-of-the-art-facility is one of Australia's longest running simulation centres.
The Centre offers a range of training programs to address clinical and non-clinical challenges with the overall aim of enhancing:
- patient and staff safety
- minimising adverse events
- ensuring fitness to function as part of a team.
We are passionate about enhancing patient safety through simulation training and research.
Learn more about who we are and what we do.
Safer health care through training and research excellence in the field of simulation.
Our goal is to enhance patient safety and clinical outcomes by integrating innovative clinical training using simulation-based techniques with research that explores individuals, teams and systems.
Our team of highly skilled instructors share a common interest and passion in education and patient safety.
Simulation-based team training requires special expertise in addition to clinical ability.
Our instructors are specialists, Fellows, and senior nursing staff active clinically in their areas of specialty, and are largely from anaesthesia, intensive care and emergency medicine.
Our Centre provides extended instructor training and has processes for certifying its instructors. We have a group of dedicated junior medical staff who are training to become simulation instructors.
We welcome visitors who are interested in learning about simulation-based team training in healthcare.
You can email HNELHD-SC@health.nsw.gov.au for more information about teaching, research and Fellowship opportunities.
The Centre offers more than 65 different courses including instructor training, and advanced communications programs.
These courses include inter-professional team training focussing on:
- resource management
- communication, leadership, and decision-making
- specialised skills training, including advanced airway skills
- bespoke courses tailor made for specific participant groups
- niche courses for defined groups, for example, procedural sedation training for endoscopists.
The Centre uses simulation for training, quality improvement and research to improve patient safety and clinical outcomes.
Our multiskilled faculty have a proven track record in innovation and research.
We are interested in resilient health care and understanding how expertise contributes to the capacity of a system to respond to challenges.
We conduct human factors research to improve patient safety by:
- developing new tools and guidelines for clinical practice (especially in emergency situations)
- testing new processes and equipment before introducing them into clinical practice
- using in situ simulation to analyse equipment, systems and environments (design and pre-commission stages)
- identifying inactive safety threats in existing medical and healthcare spaces.
We also conduct research into:
- why and how simulation works as a teaching tool
- understanding which elements of a clinical encounter should be kept in clinical simulations.
The Centre is supported by a team of specialist doctors and senior nurses who are certified simulation instructors and clinically active in the specialty areas of:
- anaesthesia
- intensive care (adult, paediatric and neonatal)
- emergency medicine.
Our faculty are passionate about enhancing patient safety through simulation training and research. The Centre also provides:
- instructor training
- faculty development programs
- curriculum development and evaluation
- advice about setting up and running simulation centres.
Our Centre is a highly flexible space with the latest equipment, and includes:
- Two clinical simulation spaces with replicas of an emergency department, ward, intensive care unit and an operating theatre.
- Five flexible areas.
- Two debriefing rooms suitable for advanced communication training.
The Centre is supported by a fully integrated audio-visual system to capture vision, sound, instructor and course details.
Our equipment
Our family of Laerdal newborn, infant, child and adult mannequins includes:
- SimNewB®
- SimBaby®
- SimJunior®
- SimMan®
- SimMan3G®
- SimMom®.
We also have a family of METI mannequins, including PediaSIM ECS, PediaSIM HPS and METI HPS.
- The ultra-sophisticated METI HPS is one of only 3 in NSW.
- The PediaSIM HPS is 1 of only 2 in Australia and New Zealand.
- These are the only simulators on the current market able to respond to the administration of real anaesthetic gases and provide respiratory gas exchange.
Clinical equipment in our replica operating theatre, ICU, emergency department
and wards include:
- piped gases
- Sonosite M-turbo ultrasound
- GE Aisys electronic anaesthesia machine
- fibre-optic and video bronchoscopes
- video-laryngoscopes
- defibrillators
- warming devices
- infusion pumps
- ventilators.
Other specialised educational equipment include:
- Ventriloscope (transmits heart & lung sounds to a realistic stethoscope receiver)
- iSimulate (a pair of iPads that operate as a patient monitor and instructor controller for mobile use, or use with standardised patients)
- Smartboards and video-conferencing facilities.
Join our team
Find out how you can be a part of our team.
Volunteer instructors are significant contributors to our Centre.
We offer a limited number of places in Volunteer Instructor Program each year that aims to:
- strengthen participants' association with our Centre
- reward volunteers for their contribution in a meaningful way
- create a program to develop and foster skills in teaching and simulation
- foster the development of educators who will contribute to the Centre and Hunter New England LHD.
How to apply
We encourage college trainees and Critical Care SRMOs (Senior Resident Medical Officers) to spend some time with us, especially those with an interest in:
- patient safety
- human factors
- education and educational research.
For more information or to express your interest email our Operations Manager at HNELHD-SCOpsManager@health.nsw.gov.au with:
- your CV (curriculum vitae), include contact details of 2 referees
- cover letter explaining what you would like to get out of the experience.
Our Centre and John Hunter Hospital Department of Anaesthesia offer fellowship opportunities for enthusiastic and committed provisional fellows who are passionate about patient safety and education.
At any given time, we have 4 fellows (2 simulation fellows, 1 post graduate education fellow and 1 human factors fellow) working with us for 12 months at a time.
Recruitment is via NSW Health annual medical recruitment with advertising in late June. Interviews are held in August each year.
Simulation / Anaesthesia Fellow
There are 2 positions available. The purpose of these positions is two-fold:
- To provide an opportunity (0.53 FTE) for ANZCA (Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists) or equivalent provisional fellows to develop sub-speciality expertise in education, training and research using simulation-based methodologies. This position suits trainees with an interest in human factors and patient safety as well as those with an interest in education.
- To provide an opportunity (0.47 FTE) to develop and consolidate clinical skills by contributing to the delivery of high-quality anaesthesia services for the patients in Hunter New England LHD.
Why trainees should consider this role
This is a great opportunity to develop your skills as an educator or researcher.
Dr Rebecca Scott was a Simulation/Anaesthesia Fellow prior to taking up a position as a Staff Specialist Anaesthetist.
Here's what Rebecca had to say about the role:
"The simulation fellow job provided excellent exposure to the non-clinical aspects of anaesthesia, coupled with the experience provided by a busy tertiary referral centre. The training in education and non-technical skills was a great boost to my clinical leadership abilities. I particularly appreciated the opportunity to integrate simulation and research, and the support and resources provided to undertake my own simulation-based research study."
Are you looking to use simulation in your role as an educator?
Our Centre can help you get the most from the resources you have with a tailored Simulation Educator Mentor Program (PDF 912.33KB) for Hunter New England LHD staff.
By working together, we can collectively create high quality simulation-based training programs across Hunter New England LHD.
The program's aims are to:
- provide a structured and supportive program for educators who wish to deliver simulation-based training across Hunter New England LHD
- develop and strengthen networks of educators using simulation across the District
- develop skills in debriefing and the design and delivery of simulation-based training.
Medical students can apply for placements for Simulation - Human Factors roles.
Note: Students must be enrolled in an Australian Education Provider (University, TAFE, College) to start a clinical placement in NSW Health. Clinical placements are organised by the Education Provider and managed in ClinConnect.
- Medical education - especially in the use of simulation for education, training, assessment and research purposes.
- Human factors and patient safety - especially in the use of simulation as a tool for quality improvement and research.
- Critical care and anaesthesia (optional).
The placement will provide you with an introduction to the role of simulation in healthcare by exploring the opportunities for use in education and training, as well as QI and research purposes.
During the term you will work closely with a range of senior clinicians and closely observe how teams interact under pressure. It will give you an insight into your role in the hospital team during your internship and beyond.
This term will interest you if you have considered the following questions:
- What will my role in the hospital team be?
- How do I transition between learning, continuing to learn and learning to teach?
- How do I give meaningful feedback?
- What is the role of simulation in the training of doctors and healthcare teams?
- What are the barriers to effective teamwork?
- What are 'Human Factors'?
- How can we use simulation to improve patient safety?
At the start of the rotation, we will meet with you to discuss your expectations and tailor the term in order to meet your objectives.
You will be given an orientation to the centre and its operations. During the term you will have the opportunity to participate in a number of activities.
Students will have an opportunity to:
- develop their understanding of the junior doctor role as part of the healthcare team
- observe and participate in simulation for health care teams
- develop their understanding of resuscitation and critical care by participating in teaching activities related to these specialities.
Student electives
Email HNELHD-SC@health.nsw.gov.au for more information about student electives at John Hunter Hospital.
Our courses
The Centre offers scheduled courses and can tailor specific simulation courses for small groups. Professional development points are available for many of our courses.
Note: Hunter New England LHD has made changes to its Advanced Life Support (ALS) policy. The Centre will continue to provide training in line with:
- our District's policy
- specialist medical college requirements
- ANZCOR (Australian and New Zealand Committee on Resuscitation) guidelines.
For more information, clarifications or to join our mailing list for the latest course and vacancies, email HNELHD-SC@health.nsw.gov.au
Learn more about our courses by role or by area of interest.
Courses by role
Anaesthesia CPD Emergency Response Series
- Advanced Life Support (PDF 3.38MB)
- Anaphylaxis (PDF 10.82MB)
- Can't Intubate, Can't Oxygenate (PDF 748.58KB)
- Major haemorrhage (PDF 3.25MB).
Crisis Resource Management (CRM)
Other anaesthesia-related courses
- Anaesthetic emergencies (PDF 2.76MB)
- Epidural anaesthesia (PDF 684.8KB)
- Focused cardiac ultrasound for anaesthesia (PDF 6.83MB)
- Thoracic anaesthesia refresher (PDF 761.46KB)
- Obstetric emergencies (PDF 754.83KB)
- Operating Theatre team training (PDF 10.52MB)
- Responding to acute deterioration (adult) (PDF 3.23MB)
- Responding to acute deterioration (paediatric) (PDF 3.08MB)
- Medical interview presentation skills (PDF 3.68MB).
Register your interest
Email HNELHD-SC@health.nsw.gov.au to register interest for these courses:
- Complications of paediatric sedation
- Human factors
- Managing the shared airway in ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat)
- Procedural sedation.
Instructor courses
- Essentials of debriefing and feedback (PDF 5.06MB)
- Intermediate Simulation Instructor (PDF 4.75MB)
- Running a scenario at Hunter New England Simulation Centre (PDF 5.35MB)
- Running a scenario at Maitland Satellite Simulation Centre (PDF 5.36MB).
Register your interest
Email HNELHD-SC@health.nsw.gov.au to register interest for these courses:
- Basic Simulation Instructor
- Conversations in medical supervision
- Senior Medical Officer communication and feedback skills.
- ALS (Advanced Life Support) re-credentialing workshop - adult (PDF 1MB)
- ED Critical care (PDF 2.57MB)
- ED Difficult Airway Management (PDF 2.57MB)
- ED EMET (Emergency Medicine Education and Training) (PDF 3.39MB)
- ED Paediatric crisis resource management (PDF 2.57MB)
- ED Trauma team training (PDF 2.57MB)
- Intensive Training in Airway Management (PDF 2.74MB)
- Medical interview presentation skills (PDF 3.68MB)
- Responding to acute deterioration (adult) (PDF 3.23MB)
- Responding to acute deterioration (paediatric) (PDF 3.08MB)
- Simulation enhanced ALS (Advanced Life Support) (PDF 768.7KB).
Register your interest
Email HNELHD-SC@health.nsw.gov.au to register interest for these courses:
- Complications of paediatric sedation
- Human factors
- Senior Medical Officer communication and feedback skills.
- ALS (Advanced Life Support) re-credentialing workshop - adult (PDF 1MB)
- Intensive Training in Airway Management (PDF 2.74MB)
- Medical interview presentation skills (PDF 3.68MB)
- Simulation enhanced ALS (Advanced Life Support) (PDF 768.7KB).
- Intensive Care crisis team training. Contact the HNE Simulation Centre for more information.
- Intensive Care difficult airway management. Contact the HNE Simulation Centre for more information.
- Intensive Care paediatric crisis team training. Contact the HNE Simulation Centre for more information.
Register your interest
Email HNELHD-SC@health.nsw.gov.au to register interest for these courses:
- Human factors
- Senior Medical Officer communication and feedback skills.
- Intern bootcamp (PDF 6.37MB)
- Medical interview presentation skills (PDF 3.68MB)
- Responding to acute deterioration (adult) (PDF 3.23MB)
- Responding to acute deterioration (paediatric) (PDF 3.08MB).
For Year 5 JMP (Joint Medical Program) students only
- Basic airway and deteriorating patient
- Advanced Life Support (ALS).
Register your interest
Email HNELHD-SC@health.nsw.gov.au to register interest for these courses:
- JMO (Junior Medical Officer) Return to work.
- Introductory epidural analgesia (PDF 684.8KB)
- Medical interview presentation skills (PDF 3.68MB)
- Newborn resuscitation (PDF 623.5KB)
- Obstetric emergencies (PDF 754.83KB).
Register your interest
Email HNELHD-SC@health.nsw.gov.au to register interest for these courses:
- Senior Medical Officer communication and feedback skills.
- Common paediatric emergencies - Advanced Life Support (PDF 770.51KB)
- ED Paediatric crisis resource management (PDF 2.57MB)
- ED Trauma team training (PDF 2.57MB)
- Medical interview presentation skills (PDF 3.68MB)
- Newborn resuscitation (PDF 623.5KB)
- Responding to acute deterioration (paediatric) (PDF 3.08MB).
Register your interest
Email HNELHD-SC@health.nsw.gov.au to register interest for these courses:
- Complications of paediatric sedation
- Human factors
- Senior Medical Officer communication and feedback skills.
- ALS (Advanced Life Support) re-credentialing workshop - adult (PDF 1MB)
- ED Paediatric crisis resource management (PDF 2.57MB)
- ED Trauma team training (PDF 2.57MB)
- Intensive Training in Airway Management (PDF 2.74MB)
- Medical interview presentation skills (PDF 3.68MB)
- Secondary retrieval (PDF 636.88KB)
- Simulation enhanced ALS (Advanced Life Support) (PDF 768.7KB).
Register your interest
Email HNELHD-SC@health.nsw.gov.au to register interest for these courses:
- Complications of paediatric sedation
- Human factors
- Senior Medical Officer communication and feedback skills.
Email HNELHD-SC@health.nsw.gov.au to register interest for this course.
Anaesthesia CPD Emergency Response Series
- Advanced Life Support (PDF 3.38MB)
- Anaphylaxis (PDF 10.82MB)
- Can't Intubate, Can't Oxygenate (PDF 748.58KB)
- Major haemorrhage (PDF 3.25MB).
Emergency Department
- ED Critical care (PDF 2.57MB)
- ED EMET (Emergency Medicine Education and Training) (PDF 3.39MB)
- ED Paediatric crisis resource management (PDF 2.57MB)
- Intensive Training in Airway Management (PDF 2.74MB)
- Obstetric emergencies (PDF 754.83KB)
- Responding to acute deterioration (adult) (PDF 3.23MB)
- Responding to acute deterioration (paediatric) (PDF 3.08MB)
- Rural Trauma team training (PDF 5.24MB)
Other courses
- ALS (Advanced Life Support) re-credentialing workshop - adult (PDF 1MB)
- Medical interview presentation skills (PDF 3.68MB)
- Simulation enhanced ALS (Advanced Life Support) (PDF 768.7KB)
Register your interest
Email HNELHD-SC@health.nsw.gov.au to register interest for these courses:
- Complications of paediatric sedation
- Human factors
- Procedural sedation
- Senior Medical Officer communication and feedback skills.
Courses by area of interest
- ALS Assessor Course (PDF 655.58KB)
- ALS Re-credentialing workshop - adult (PDF 1MB)
- Anaesthesia CPD Emergency Response Series - ALS (PDF 3.38MB)
- Common paediatric emergencies - ALS (PDF 770.51KB)
- Intern bootcamp (PDF 6.37MB)
- Simulation enhanced ALS (PDF 768.7KB)
Note: Hunter New England LHD has made changes to its Advanced Life Support (ALS) policy. We will continue to provide training in line with:
- our District's policy
- specialist medical college requirements
- ANZCOR (Australian and New Zealand Committee on Resuscitation) guidelines.
For more information or clarification email HNELHD-SC@health.nsw.gov.au
Anaesthesia CPD Emergency Response Series
Other courses
- ED (Emergency Department) difficult airway management (PDF 2.57MB)
- Intensive Training in Airway Management (PDF 2.74MB)
- Simulation enhanced ALS (Advanced Life Support) (PDF 768.7KB)
Register your interest
Email HNELHD-SC@health.nsw.gov.au to register interest for these courses:
- Managing the shared away in ENT (Ear Nose and Throat)
- Procedural sedation
- Year 5 medical student: Basic airway and deteriorating patient.
Register your interest
Email HNELHD-SC@health.nsw.gov.au to register interest for these courses:
- Allied health communication
- Allied health debrief and feedback
- ALS (Advanced Life Support) re-credentialing workshop - adult (PDF 1MB)
- Common paediatric emergencies - ALS (PDF 770.51KB)
- ED Critical care (PDF 2.57MB)
- ED EMET (Emergency Medicine Education and Training) (PDF 3.39MB)
- ED Paediatric crisis resource management (PDF 2.57MB)
- Intensive Care crisis team training (PDF 2.88MB)
- Intensive Care difficult airway management (PDF 2.88MB)
- Intensive Care paediatric crisis team training (PDF 2.88MB)
- Intern bootcamp (PDF 6.37MB)
- Intensive Training in Airway Management (PDF 2.74MB)
- Newborn resuscitation (PDF 623.5KB)
- Responding to acute deterioration (adult) (PDF 3.23MB)
- Responding to acute deterioration (paediatric) (PDF 3.08MB)
- Simulation enhanced ALS (Advanced Life Support) (PDF 768.7KB)
Register your interest
Email HNELHD-SC@health.nsw.gov.au to register interest for these courses:
- Year 5 medical student: ALS (Advanced Life Support)
Anaesthesia CPD Emergency Response Series
- Advanced Life Support (PDF 3.38MB)
- Anaphylaxis (PDF 10.82MB)
- Can't Intubate, Can't Oxygenate (PDF 748.58KB)
- Major haemorrhage (PDF 3.25MB)
Other courses
- Anaesthetic emergencies (PDF 2.76MB)
- Focused cardiac ultrasound for anaesthesia (PDF 6.83MB)
- Intensive Training in Airway Management (PDF 2.74MB)
- Neuro-anaesthesia crisis resource management (PDF 3.34MB)
- Obstetric emergencies (PDF 754.83KB)
- Operating Theatre team training (PDF 10.52MB)
- Paediatric anaesthesia crisis resource management (PDF 3.08MB)
- Thoracic anaesthesia refresher (PDF 761.46KB)
Register your interest
Email HNELHD-SC@health.nsw.gov.au to register interest for these courses:
- Complications of paediatric sedation
- Procedural sedation
- Common paediatric emergencies - ALS (PDF 770.51KB)
- ED Paediatric crisis resource management (PDF 2.57MB)
- Obstetric emergencies (PDF 754.83KB)
- Paediatric anaesthesia crisis resource management (PDF 3.08MB)
- Responding to acute deterioration (paediatric) (PDF 3.08MB)
Register your interest
Email HNELHD-SC@health.nsw.gov.au to register interest for these courses:
- Complications of paediatric sedation
Register your interest
Email HNELHD-SC@health.nsw.gov.au to register interest for these courses:
- Human factors
- Pharmacy debrief and feedback
- Senior Medical Officer communication and feedback skills
Register your interest
Email HNELHD-SC@health.nsw.gov.au to register interest for these courses:
- Complications of paediatric sedation
- Procedural sedation
- Essentials of debriefing and feedback (PDF 5.06MB)
- Intermediate Simulation Instructor (PDF 4.75MB)
- Running a scenario at Hunter New England Simulation Centre (PDF 5.35MB)
- Running a scenario at Maitland Satellite Simulation Centre (PDF 5.36MB)
- Simulation Educator Mentor Program (PDF 912.33KB)
Register your interest
Email HNELHD-SC@health.nsw.gov.au to register interest for these courses:
- Basic Simulation Instructor course
- Conversations in medical supervision
- Essentials of debriefing and feedback (PDF 5.06MB)
- Medical interview presentation skills (PDF 3.68MB)
- Simulation Educator Mentor Program (PDF 912.33KB)
Register your interest
Email HNELHD-SC@health.nsw.gov.au to register interest for these courses:
- Allied health debrief and feedback
- Basic simulation instructor course
- Human factors
- JMO (Junior Medical Officer) Return to work
- Year 5 medical student - ALS (Advanced Life Support) - for Year 5 Joint Medical Program [JMP] students only
- Year 5 medical student - Basic airway and deteriorating patient (for Year 5 Joint Medical Program [JMP] students only
- Anaesthesia CPD Emergency Response Series - Major Haemorrhage (PDF 3.25MB)
- Advanced Life Support (ALS) re-credentialing workshop - adult (PDF 1MB)
- Simulation enhanced ALS (Advanced Life Support) (PDF 768.7KB)
- Neuro-anaesthesia crisis resource management (PDF 3.34MB)
- ED Critical care (PDF 2.57MB)
- ED EMET (Emergency Medicine Education and Training) (PDF 3.39MB)
- ED Paediatric crisis resource management (PDF 2.57MB)
- ED Trauma team training (PDF 2.57MB)
- Intensive Training in Airway Management (PDF 2.74MB)
- Rural Trauma team training (PDF 5.24MB)
- Ward-based trauma training (PDF 995.76KB)
Contact us
Phone:(02) 4921 4268
Street address:2 Lookout Rd, New Lambton Heights NSW 2305