About our Child Development Team
The Child Development Team (CDT) is a specialist child development unit for families with children aged 18 months to 12 years. Our Multidisciplinary Team is based in the community and is a tertiary service.
We specialise in providing development assessments for children who are experiencing difficulties in 2 or more areas of their development.
Families living in the following LGAs (Local Government Areas) can access our services:
- Newcastle
- Lake Macquarie
- Port Stephens
- Maitland
- Cessnock
- Dungog
- Singleton.
We also run paediatric medicine outreach clinics in:
- Charlestown
- Muswellbrook
- Nikinpa (Toronto).
Our services and team
There is no cost for our services. We conduct assessments for children with multiple or complex development needs, including:
- learning disorders
- Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Global developmental delay
- Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
As all children are unique, we explore many factors and developmental difficulties that may have affected the child and family, including:
- psychosocial difficulties
- trauma and adverse experiences
- attachment disruption
- language disorders
- difficulties with fine and gross motor skills
- sensory preferences
- living skills
- anxiety and cognitive ability.
Please note: We are an assessment only service and do not offer therapy or ongoing management. We provide onward referrals and recommendations after completing our assessments.
Our team understand the challenges faced by children with developmental difficulties and their families. We may provide counselling to address these unique needs while seeing your child, including:
- counselling
- parent education
- support or case management.
You can discuss if this is helpful during your child and family's time with us.
Sparks program
Sparks is a specialist service for families with children aged under 10 who may have problems with or display harmful sexualised behaviours. A referral is required for this service.
Learn more about the Sparks program.
Our team
Our team of clinicians include:
- Paediatricians
- Psychologists
- Social workers
- Speech pathologists
- Occupational therapists.
We do not accept direct referrals from parents and carers (with the exception of the Sparks program).
We accept referrals from:
- health professionals
- education professionals
- day care, pre-schools and schools
- non-government organisations.
Download our child development team referral form.
Please use the SeNT eReferral to send referrals to Hunter New England LHD. If your GP (General Practitioner) management system does not support SeNT, you can fax it to (02) 4924 6401.
Call (02) 4924 6400 or email referral forms to HNELHD-ChildDevelopmentTeam@health.nsw.gov.au for initial enquiries.
National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) Early Intervention supports
We strongly encourage parents with a child under age 7 who meet our criteria of significant concerns in 2 or more developmental areas is also referred to their local NDIA Early Childhood Early Intervention provider.
After we receive a referral
Our team reviews and discusses the referral at our weekly intake meeting.
If accepted, we will add the child to our waiting list to see a team clinician.
After the interview we may refer your child to another service that can help your child and the family.
Virtual care appointments
Virtual care (telehealth) uses technology to offer patients and consumers a convenient way to connect with health professionals. Virtual care has many benefits for patients, carers and health professionals. Learn more about virtual care.
If you're unsure which waiting room to join in or need to speak with our telehealth support team, call (02) 4985 5400 from 8am-4.30pm, Monday to Friday.
Contact us
Phone:(02) 4924 6190 or (02) 4924 6400
Fax: (02) 4924 6401
Street address: Harker Building, Longworth Avenue, Wallsend NSW 2287
Postal address: Locked bag 1014, Wallsend NSW 2287
Service hours: 9am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday
This service has wheelchair access.