About our dental (oral health) services
Our aim is to improve the dental health of eligible people in our district. We offer a range of general and specialist dental services and treatment at dental clinics across the region.
We use a triage system to schedule a patient's care. Patients with urgent dental conditions are treated sooner, and there may be wait times for patients with routine dental care.
We are committed to improving access to oral health services for Aboriginal peoples.
Who is eligible
All children (under 18 years of age) who are NSW residents can access our dental (oral) health services.
Adults can access our free public dental services if they have a valid Medicare card and hold one of the following Australian Government concession cards:
- Health Care Card
- Pensioner Concession Card
- Commonwealth Seniors Health Card
Further access requirements may apply for dental specialist services or dental services provided in a hospital.
Remember to bring your Medicare card or concession card with you when you visit a public dental clinic. For Medicare information phone 13 32 54.
Yes. The Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS) can be claimed through our service. CDBS is a program for eligible children and teenagers up to $1052 in Medicare benefits over 2 calendar years.
The following dental services are available:
- emergency care
- check ups
- general treatment
- preventative treatment
- prosthetics and dentures.
Additional information
We have a range of dental care videos with helpful information for all stages of childhood from 0 to 12 years of age.
For further dental information you can visit NSW Public Dental Service.

HNELHD How to brush 0 to 5
Helpful information on how to look after your child's teeth from 0 - 5 years of age.
HNELHD How to brush 6 - 12 years
Helpful information on how to look after your children's teeth and gums from 6 -12 years of age.

HNELHD Dental health check for kids
Helping information on how to care for your child's teeth and gums.
Oral health parent and carer resources
Find a dental health service
Use our Service Directory to find a health service near you.
Virtual care appointments
Virtual care (telehealth), uses technology to offer patients and consumers a convenient way to connect with health professionals. Virtual care has many benefits for patients, carers and health professionals. Learn more about virtual care.