About our outpatient services

John Hunter Hospital outpatient service
Learn more about the John Hunter Hospital outpatient services.
Speciality clinics
The John Hunter Hospital Outpatient service operates a range of clinics across North block and South block.
Clinics A - E
Cardiology clinic
Located in North block.
Our clinics are held by:
- Dr Nick Collins
- Dr Rohan Bhagwandeen
- Dr Heather Cooke
- Dr Alan Davies
- Prof Peter Fletcher
- Dr Rachel Hatton
- Dr Aaron Sverdlov
- Dr Suku Thambar
- Dr Stewart Turner
- Dr Brad Wilsmore.
Referrals to this service are triaged by a clinician, and appointments allocated with the most appropriate specialist in order of clinical priority.
Referral and appointment enquiries
All initial (referral) appointment enquires via the John Hunter Hospital Outpatient Service Contact Centre: (02) 4922 3912.
All follow up and post hospital discharge appointment enquires via the Cardiology Unit secretary:
- Drs Wilsmore, Cooke, Davies, Hayes, Turner, Prof Graham: (02) 4921 4201
- Drs Bastian, Sverdlov, Hatton, Collins, Boyle: (02) 4921 4205
- Prof Fletcher: (02) 4922 3128
Colorectal clinic
Located in South block.
Our clinics are held by:
- Dr Brian Draganic
- Dr Chatika Premaratne
- Dr Hasitha Balasuriya.
Referrals to this service are triaged by a clinician, and appointments allocated with the most appropriate specialist in order of clinical priority.
Referral and appointment enquiries: John Hunter Hospital Outpatient Contact Centre (02) 4922 3912.
Dermatology clinic
Located in North block.
Our clinics are held by:
- Dr Paul Chee
- Dr Sally De Zwaan
- Dr Edwina Lamrock
- Dr Catherine McKay
- Dr John Sippe
- Dr Alicia Thornton
- Dr Vivian Tng
- Dr Rashi Malescu.
Dermatology Light Therapy Clinic
Located in North block.
Paediatric Dermatology Clinic
Located in North block.
Clinics are held by:
- Dr John Relic
- Dr Alicia Thornton
Dermatology Minor Procedures Clinic
Located in North block
Referrals to this service are triaged by a clinician, and appointments allocated with the most appropriate specialist in order of clinical priority.
For referral and appointment enquiries, call John Hunter Hospital Outpatient Contact Centre on (02) 4922 3912.
The John Hunter Hospital Outpatient Service does not manage referrals or appointments for this service.
Diabetes and Endocrinologist specialists within the department:
- Assoc Prof Shamasunder Acharya
- Dr Emma Croker
- Dr Damien Jackel
- Dr Judy Luu
- Dr Christopher Rowe
- Dr Tuan Quach
- Dr Evelyn Tan
- Assoc Prof Katie Wynne
- Dr William Yu
Referrals to this service are triaged by a clinician, and appointments allocated with the most appropriate specialist in order of clinical priority. Clinics are run on a Thursday (Young Peoples Clinic) and a Friday (Adult Diabetes Services).
Our service provides access to Diabetes Educators and Dietitians.
Referral and appointment enquiries, call Diabetes Unit secretary on (02) 4922 3370, (02) 4923 6378 or (02) 4985 5135 or email (enquiries only, do not email referrals) HNELHD-DiabetesServices@health.nsw.gov.au
The John Hunter Hospital Outpatient Service is not able to address enquiries relating to the Diabetes Department. Please call one of the provided numbers for enquiries.
Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) Clinic
Located in South block
Clinics are held by:
- Dr Daron Cope
- Dr Toby Corlette
- A/Prof Rob Eisenberg
- Dr Johnson Huang
- Dr Niall Jefferson
- Prof Kelvin Kong
- Dr Ryan Winters
- Dr Shahul Majahid (ENT GP)
- Dr James Sagi (ENT GP)
- Dr Hossein Ghazavi (Tamworth).
Referrals to this service are triaged by a clinician, and appointments allocated with the most appropriate specialist in order of clinical priority.
For referral and appointment enquiries, call John Hunter Hospital Outpatient Contact Centre on (02) 4922 3912.
Note, the John Hunter Hospital Outpatient Service is unable to address enquiries relating to the ENT Aboriginal Medical Service.
Patients residing in the Tamworth region are to be referred to the John Hunter Hospital ENT Outpatient Service. Referrals will be booked into the Tamworth clinics is considered clinically appropriate.
Endocrinology Clinic (does not include diabetes)
Located in North block.
The John Hunter Hospital Outpatient Service does not manage referrals or appointments for this service.
Referral and appointment enquiries (not diabetes):
Endocrinology Unit Secretary phone (02) 4921 4380) or email HNELHD-JHHEndocrinologyAdmin@health.nsw.gov.au.
Clinics F - N
Gastroenterology Clinic
Located in North block.
Our clinics are held by:
- Dr Steven Bollipo
- Dr Robert Foster
- Dr Lay Gan
- Dr Robert Gibson
- Dr Tom Goodsall
- Dr Stephen Philcox
- Dr Nicholas Talley
- Dr Alkesh Zala
- Dr Dane Cook
- Dr Michael Potter
- Dr Kate Napthali
- Dr Christian Ardley.
Referrals to this service are triaged by a clinician, and appointments allocated with the most appropriate specialist in order of clinical priority.
For referral and appointment enquiries, call John Hunter Hospital Outpatient Contact Centre on (02) 4922 3912.
General Medicine Clinic
Located in North block.
Our clinics are held by:
- Dr Patrick Oakley
The John Hunter Hospital Outpatient Service does not manage referrals or appointments for this service.
For referral and appointment enquiries, call General Medicine Unit Secretary on (02) 4921 3541.
General Surgery clinic
Located in South block.
Our clinics are held by:
- Dr Christine O'Neill
- Dr Francesco Amico
- Dr Cino Bendinelli
- Dr David Burnett
- Dr Marisol Perez Cerdeira
- Dr Stanley Chen
- Dr Ruth Hardstaff
- Dr Kalpesh Shah
- Dr Timothy Wright
- Dr Lesley Barron.
Oesophageal Clinic
- Dr Marisol Perez Cerdeira
- Dr Timothy Wright.
For referral and appointment enquiries, call John Hunter Hospital Outpatient Contact Centre on (02) 4922 3912.
Pain Clinic
Located in South and North block.
The John Hunter Hospital Outpatient Service does not manage referrals or appointments for this service.
Referrals and appointment enquiries, call (02) 4922 3435 or email HNELHD-HIPS@health.nsw.gov.au.
Immunology Clinic
Located in North block.
Our clinic are held by:
- Dr Michael Boyle
- Dr Theo Malmanche
- Dr Katheryn Patchett
- Dr Glenn Reeves.
Allergy Clinic
Located in North block.
Infectious Diseases Clinic
Located in North block.
Our clinics are held by:
- Dr Vimalan Ambikaipaker
- Dr Josh Davies
- Dr John Ferguson
- Dr Mark Loewenthal
- Dr Robert Pickles
- Dr Ayesha Akram
- Dr Katy Lai.
Referrals to this service are triaged by a clinician, and appointments allocated with the most appropriate specialist in order of clinical priority.
For referral and appointment enquiries, call John Hunter Hospital Outpatient Contact Centre on (02) 4922 3912.
Neurology Clinic (including Stroke Service)
Located in North Block
Our clinics are held by:
- Dr Jeff Blackie
- Dr Tanya Kerr
- Dr Lechner-Scott
- Dr Ferdinand Miteff
- Dr Elizabeth Pepper
- Dr Neil Spratt
- Dr Tom Wellings
- Dr Carlos Esparon
- Dr Pablo Garcia Bermejo
- Dr Andrew Bleasel
- Dr Natalie Murray.
The John Hunter Hospital Outpatient Service does not manage referrals or appointments for this service.
For referral and appointment enquiries, call Neurology Unit Secretary on (02) 4921 3490.
Neurosurgery Clinics
Located in South and North block.
Our clinics are held by:
- Dr Michael Edger
- Dr Richard Ferch
- Dr Mitchell Hansen
- Dr Catherine Johnson
- Dr Sophia Roser
- Dr Sam Hall.
For referral and appointment enquiries, call John Hunter Hospital Outpatient Contact Centre on (02) 4922 3912.
Clinics O - R
Ophthalmology Clinics
Located in South block.
Our clinics are held by:
- Dr Tim Ruddell
- Dr Michael Birch
- Dr Peter Davies
- Dr Jess Dobinson
- Dr Anthony Dunlop
- Dr Alistair Gittos
- Dr Anthony Hall
- Dr Eugene Hollenbach
- Dr Kuo Luong Lee
- Dr David Manning
- Dr Shivram Nadkarni
- Dr Ravi Singh
- Dr William Yates.
Referrals to this service are triaged by a clinician, and appointments allocated with the most appropriate specialist in order of clinical priority.
For referral and appointment enquiries, call John Hunter Hospital Outpatient Contact Centre on (02) 4922 3912.
Oral Maxillofacial (OMF) Clinics
Located in South block.
Our clinics are held by:
- Dr Deegesh Shah
- Dr Benjamin Ghaly
- Prof Gary Hoffman
- Dr Patrick Mehanna
- Dr Eileen Tan Gore.
Referrals to this service are triaged by a clinician, and appointments allocated with the most appropriate specialist in order of clinical priority.
For referral and appointment enquiries, call John Hunter Hospital Outpatient Contact Centre on (02) 4922 3912.
Fracture Clinics
Located in South block.
Our clinics are held by:
- Registrar led Team clinics.
Orthopaedic Consultant Clinics
Located in south block.
Our clinics are held by:
- Dr Simon Abson
- Dr Zsolt Balogh
- Dr Lachlan Cornford
- Dr David Dewar
- Dr Ben East
- Dr David Gill
- Dr Jorgen Hellman
- Dr Stewart Mackenzie
- Dr David Nicholson
- Dr James O'Sullivan
- Dr Seth Tarrant
- Dr Sandeep Tewari
- Dr Geoff Workman
- Dr Jonathan Young
- Dr Ali Hamze.
Hand Clinic
Located in South block.
Our clinics are held by:
- Dr Joshua Hunt
- Dr Scott Cains
- Dr Tanya Burgess
- Dr Brett McClelland
- Dr Bryce Meads
- Dr Yezdi Mistry
- Dr Brett McClelland.
Referrals to this service are triaged by a clinician, and appointments allocated with the most appropriate specialist in order of clinical priority.
For referral and appointment enquiries, call John Hunter Hospital Outpatient Contact Centre on (02) 4922 3912.
Plastics Clinic
Located in South and North block.
Our clinics are held by:
- Dr Kirstin Miteff
- Dr Gary Avery
- Dr Scott Cairns
- Dr Yezdi Mistry
- Dr Alaine Taylor.
Referrals to this service are triaged by a clinician, and appointments allocated with the most appropriate specialist in order of clinical priority.
This is a tertiary (specialist only) referral service.
For referral and appointment enquiries, call John Hunter Hospital Outpatient Contact Centre on (02) 4922 3912.
Liaison Psychiatry Clinic
Located in North block.
Our clinics are held by:
- Dr Ben Britten (phycologist)
- Dr Vinod Raveendran
- Dr Marina Vamos.
The John Hunter Hospital Outpatient Service does not manage referrals or appointments for this service.
Rehabilitation Clinic
Located in North block.
The John Hunter Hospital Outpatient Service does not manage referrals or appointments for this service.
Referral and appointment enquiries:
Call Rehabilitation Unit Secretary on (02) 4921 4840 or (02) 4922 3065 or email HNELHD-JHHRehabMedicineRNC@health.nsw.gov.au.
Renal clinic
Located in North block.
Our clinics are held by:
- Dr Shane Carney
- Dr Bobby Chacko
- Dr Emmanuel D'Almeida
- Dr Alastair Gillies
- Dr Thyda Myint
- Dr Eswari Vilayur
- Dr Scott Jones
- Dr Bruce Mackinnon.
Referrals to this service are triaged by a clinician, and appointments allocated with the most appropriate specialist in order of clinical priority.
For referral and appointment enquiries, call John Hunter Hospital Outpatient Contact Centre on (02) 4922 3912.
Respiratory Medicine Clinic (includes asthma, Cystic Fibrosis and Mantoux clinics)
Located in North block.
Our clinics are held by:
- Dr David Arnold
- Dr Christoher Grainge
- Dr Scott Twaddell
- Dr Peter Wark
- Prof Peter Gibson
- Dr Shyamala Pradeepan
- Dr Geoff Tyler
- Dr Karlianne Tong
- Dr Kenneth Goon
- Dr Vineeth George.
The John Hunter Hospital Outpatient Service does not manage referrals or appointments for this service.
For referral and appointment enquiries, call Respiratory Unit Secretary on (02) 4921 3470.
Rheumatology Clinic
Located in North block.
Our clinics are held by:
- Dr Gabor Major
- Dr Paul Mansfield
- Dr Stephen Oakley
- Dr Aishwarya Sukhedo
- Osteoporosis Fracture Clinic
- Dr Marc Toh
- Dr Gabor Major
- Dr Aishwarya Sukhedo.
Referrals to this service are triaged by a clinician, and appointments allocated with the most appropriate specialist in order of clinical priority.
For referral and appointment enquiries, call John Hunter Hospital Outpatient Contact Centre on (02) 4922 3912.
Clinics S- Z
Stomal Therapy Clinic
Located in South block.
The John Hunter Hospital Outpatient Service does not manage referrals or appointments for this service.
Referral and appointment enquiries:
Call John Hunter Hospital on (02) 4921 3000 and ask them to page 36206 or email HNELHD-JHHStomal@health.nsw.gov.au
Transplant and Access Clinic
Located in South block.
The John Hunter Hospital Outpatient Service does not manage referrals or appointments for this service.
For referral and appointment enquiries, call (02) 4921 4326.
Trauma Clinic
Located in South block.
Our clinics are held by:
- Dr Zsolt Balogh
For referral and appointment enquiries, call John Hunter Hospital Outpatient Contact Centre on (02) 4922 3912.
Urology Consult Clinic
Located in South block.
Our clinics are held by:
- Dr Marcus Handmer
- Dr Paul Ainsworth
- Dr Alison Blatt
- Dr Peter Chong
- Dr Terry Doyle
- Dr Nicholas McLeod
- Dr Avi Raman
- Dr Albert Tiu
- Dr Kieran Beattie.
Urology Procedure Clinic
Located in South block.
Our clinics are held by:
- Dr Paul Ainsworth
- Dr Alison Blatt
- Dr Peter Chong
- Dr Terry Doyle
- Dr Marcus Handmer
- Dr Nicholas McLeod
- Dr Avi Raman
- Dr Albert Tiu.
Chemotherapy Clinic
Located in South block.
Referrals to this service are triaged by a clinician, and appointments allocated with the most appropriate specialist in order of clinical priority.
For referral and appointment enquiries, call John Hunter Hospital Outpatient Contact Centre on (02) 4922 3912.
Vascular Surgery Clinics
Located in South block.
Our clinics are held by:
- Dr Senthil Kumar
- Dr Arvind Deshpande
- Dr Nicole Organ
- Dr Mathew Sebastian
- Dr Zoheb Williams.
Referrals to this service are triaged by a clinician, and appointments allocated with the most appropriate specialist in order of clinical priority.
For referral and appointment enquiries, call John Hunter Hospital Outpatient Contact Centre on (02) 4922 3912.
Your Outpatient service referral
Our call centre can be very busy, and you may experience delays. You can check if your question is answered in our common questions.
Appointments for the John Hunter Hospital Outpatient Clinics are by referral from your GP, specialist, other health professional or as requested before your discharge from hospital.
Your referral letter will have all the information about the reason for your referral.
A health professional will review the referral and prioritises your appointment based on this information. You might receive an appointment date straight away or be placed on a waiting list to receive an appointment later.
If your appointment is delayed, you may want to speak to the person who referred you to discuss other treatment options.
If your condition changes or you have any health problems while waiting for your appointment, see your GP or the person that referred you.
When we receive your referral into our system it is processed by our team. We receive a lot of referrals, so we ask that you allow up to 2 weeks for this process to happen before contacting us.
Your referral is then looked at by one of our specialist clinicians who decides how urgent your issue is and the timeframe in which you should be seen.
We will let you and your referring doctor know the outcome.
You might receive an appointment date straight away or be placed on a waiting list to receive an appointment later.
Our staff will contact you with the date and time of your appointment. You may be contacted by phone, email, a text message or in writing.
There is high demand for appointments in the Outpatient Service. We aim to see all patients as quickly as possible; it is likely that you will have to wait for a period of time before you are offered an appointment.
Your waiting time for an appointment may depend on how urgent your condition is, how many people are already waiting for an appointment, and the availability of our specialist clinicians to treat patients with your condition.
Patients with potential life-threatening conditions will be prioritised and the referrer should phone the appropriate clinicians as well as sending a written referral.
Your referring GP should monitor your condition while you wait for an appointment. Your GP can update the clinic on any significant changes to your condition which might change your triage category.
You or your GP should contact the Outpatient Service if your appointment is no longer needed.
If you do not want to wait for an appointment, consider returning to your referring doctor to request a referral to a private specialist. Charges may apply for private consultations.
We encourage patients consider information regarding private health insurance and typical cost, if they choose to consult with a specialist privately.
These websites provide private health information that may be helpful:
If you are worried that your condition is getting worse, advise your referring health practitioner immediately.
If your referring GP has any concerns, they can send a second referral to the Outpatient Service outlining the changes in your condition.
If your condition is urgent or life-threating, call 000 (Triple Zero) or go to the nearest Emergency Department.
If your personal details change while you are waiting for an appointment, make sure that you contact us (02) 4922 3912 so we can update our records.
It is important to keep your contact details up to date as most of the appointment notifications are mailed or emailed to patients. We may also send you an SMS reminder to your mobile telephone.
Your Outpatient service appointment
You should bring these items to your appointment:
- Medicare or Veterans Affairs Card, workers compensation or motor accident details
- recent reports, X rays or test results
- a list of your current medications
- private health fund membership details (if you have one)
- if you are an overseas visitor without a current Medicare card, a fee will apply. This fee must be paid in full on the day of your appointment.
When your appointment is available, we will call, email or send a letter to your home address. We will also send you an appointment reminder via text message the day before your appointment.
Arrive at the outpatient clinic about 15 minutes before your appointment time. You will need to go to the North block front desk or South block front desk depending on the clinic you’re attending.
We recommend that you allow 4 hours for your appointment. This may change depending on the clinic delays can occur. Be assured that appointments are individualised and patients are seen in order of their appointment times.
Clinic delays can be caused by longer than expected appointments with other patients, particularly if a complicated treatment or diagnosis is being discussed. Occasionally health professionals are urgently needed elsewhere which may also cause appointment delays.
Usually there are many clinics running at the same time, you may notice that other patients are called in ahead of you.
If you need a medical certificate for work, ask your doctor during your appointment.
Clinics are in the North and South block of the Royal Newcastle Centre.
Allow extra time for parking before your appointment. There is timed parking ranging from $2 for 20 mins to 1 hour, up to $10 for more than 6 hours. Less than 20 minutes is free. Concession rates apply.
Car park 6 provides direct access to the Outpatient Service building. You can take the lift to Level 2. You can also park in the car park across the road from the Royal Newcastle Centre building.
Public transport
The John Hunter Hospital is serviced by bus numbers 13, 11, 26 and 42, which stop at the main entrance of the hospital.
For Australian residents with a valid Medicare card there is no cost for the John Hunter Hospital Outpatient service appointment.
Generally, hospital diagnostic tests including pathology and X ray, are performed through the NSW public health system and covered by Medicare.
Fees may apply if you are an overseas resident.
The NSW Health Care Interpreter Service provides professional interpreters to help with communication between health professionals and clients who are deaf or who have limited English.
We also have on-site interpreters for patients who need one. Where no on-site interpreter can attend, a telephone or video link (virtual care) where the interpreter will be arranged.
Virtual care
Virtual care (Telehealth) is the secure transmission of a clinical consultation by videoconference over the internet.
This is a way for you to have your appointment with a health professional without the need to travel to hospital.
A Hunter New England LHD clinician can connect to you over the internet whether you are at home, at work, in a residential aged care facility, at your GP or your local community hospital.
If you would like more information about our virtual care service, call us on (02) 4922 3912.
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Virtual care appointments
Virtual care (telehealth), uses technology to offer patients and consumers a convenient way to connect with health professionals. Virtual care has many benefits for patients, carers and health professionals. Learn more about virtual care.