About our virtual care service
Virtual care, also known as telehealth, provides a secure way to connect with health professionals through teleconferences, using a computer, tablet, or mobile phone.
In rural NSW, where specialised care may involve expenses and travel, virtual care uses everyday technology to connect you with healthcare professionals. Virtual care appointments can be held at home, at the GP, or in hospital.
Learn more about how virtual care (telehealth) is used in Hunter New England and the opportunities it can provide for patients and families.

HNELHD Virtual care for patients and families.
Learn more about how telehealth is used in Hunter New England and the opportunities it can provide for patients and families.

More about virtual care
Learn more about how to use virtual care, along with the benefits and the types of virtual care available. As well as in-language and easy read factsheets.
How to book an appointment
To schedule a virtual care appointment, talk to your local health provider. They can help decide if it's suitable for you and assist in making the booking.
Use our Service Directory to find a virtual care provider near you.
Existing appointments and virtual care waiting rooms
If you have an appointment, connect now by selecting your virtual care room:
- Aboriginal Health Care Coordination waiting room
- ACAT waiting room
- ACE waiting room
- Armidale Hospital waiting room
- Belmont Hospital waiting room
- Bereavement waiting room
- Brighter Beginnings waiting room
- Calvary Mater Newcastle waiting room
- Cessnock waiting room
- Concussion Clinic waiting room
- Critical care waiting room
- Dental clinic waiting room
- Drug and alcohol services waiting room
- Emergency Department waiting room
- Endocrinology waiting room
- First responder waiting room
- Forster CHC waiting room
- Genetics waiting room
- Gloucester waiting room
- Heart failure waiting room
- Hospital in the home waiting room
- Hunter Valley waiting room
- Inpatient waiting room
- John Hunter Children's Oncology waiting room
- John Hunter Hospital Outpatient waiting room
- John Hunter Hospital Paediatric Outpatient waiting room
- Kids ADHD Service waiting room
- Kids Community waiting room
- Manning and Taree waiting room
- Maple Leaf House waiting room
- Maternity and gynaecology waiting room
- Maitland Hospital waiting room
- Mehi waiting room
- Menopause Hub waiting room
- Mental Health waiting room
- Newcastle Community Health waiting room
- NMHEC-RAP waiting room
- North West Cancer Centre waiting room
- Paediatric Palliative Care waiting room
- Palliative Care waiting room
- Peel waiting room
- Pharmacy waiting room
- R3 Northern Clinical Trials waiting room
- Rankin Park waiting room
- Refugee Health waiting room
- Sexual Assault Services waiting room
- Supportive Care waiting room
- Tablelands waiting room
- Tamworth Hospital waiting room
- Tuberculosis waiting room
- VAD Clinic waiting room
- VAN Telehealth waiting room
- Virtual Kids waiting room
- Women's Health waiting room
- Wound waiting room
Common questions
Why is my appointment via virtual care and what does it cost?
Your healthcare provider has decided that your appointment is clinically appropriate and safe to be held via virtual care.
There is no cost to you from Hunter New England Health. We might ask you to give consent for Hunter New England Health to bulk bill Medicare.
If your GP takes part, you will need to ask them if there are any costs to you. The virtual care service does need an internet connection, costs can vary depending on your provider.
What equipment do I need and how do I connect to my appointment?
You will need:
- internet connection - access to a reliable broadband internet connection with an upload and download speed of at least 1Mbps, you can test your internet connection speed
- computer, iPad, tablet or smart phone
- camera - a built-in or plug-in webcam
- microphone and speakers or headset
- privacy - a private, well-lit area where you will not be disturbed or interrupted during the consultation.
If you do not have this equipment, you may also attend the consultation with participating GPs, or at your community health facility.
Connecting to your appointment
We have a helpful patient user guide (PDF 538.82KB) and video to guide you through the steps involved with logging in and accessing your virtual care appointment.
Technical support
Please contact technical virtual care support on (02) 4985 5400 (select option 2), Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm if you need more support.
How do I book an appointment
If you would like your next appointment to be via virtual care, talk with your health provider to decide if virtual care is right for your situation.
Who can join my video call
You can include support from:
- family
- carers
- GPs
- other health care providers including allied health.
Please inform your health provider if you would like an additional participant to join who will not be present with you on the day.
If you have another participant with you on the day of your consultation, remember to introduce them to your health provider at the start of the consultation.
What if I need an interpreter
Hunter New England LHD offers a teleinterpreting service.
It is available for inpatients, outpatients, and during home visits by clinicians.
Contact your healthcare provider if you need an interpreter for your appointment. You can also contact clinical virtual care support on (02) 4921 3050, Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm or email HNELHD-ICT-ClinicalTelehealth@health.nsw.gov.au
In-language information can be found on the virtual care hub.
Information for clinicians
Most services and staff in the Hunter New England LHD can use software and technology for virtual care.
By adding virtual care to your services, you save time and money for both you and your patients. It provides better care than using just the phone.
For more information you can refer to the Hunter New England intranet or contact (02) 4921 3050, Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm or email HNELHD-ICT-ClinicalTelehealth@health.nsw.gov.au.
Additional details about virtual care are also available on myHub.
Contact Hunter New England LHD
We welcome your questions, feedback, compliments, and information requests. Contact us, and we'll be happy to assist you. Your input is important to us.