Our commitment
Increasing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employment is important on a number of levels including:
- Strengthening our commitment to reduce unemployment in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
- Demonstrate our support and respect for Aboriginal cultural values in the workplace by delivering programs to increase cultural understanding and respect.
- Finding ways to overcome employment and retention barriers.
Hunter New England LHD plans and implements diversity initiatives to take positive steps to address continued disadvantage experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the workplace. We are proud to employ over 1,100 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Overcoming employment and retention barriers has many challenges and we have implemented a number of strategies to achieve sustainable employment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the public sector.
Why we are committed to Aboriginal employment
Increasing employment opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people is about improving social and economic justice and improving the lives of Aboriginal people, their families and communities. By doing so, we are positively contributing to the government's agenda of Closing the Gap in health and employment outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Aboriginal people make up 3.4% of the NSW population and 7.5% of the Hunter New England population. We provides health services to 24% of the NSW Aboriginal population. The NSW Government expectation is for Hunter New England LHD to provide an Aboriginal workforce of 6%. At present, Aboriginal employees represent 5.33% of our total workforce.
Aboriginal employment remains a strategic priority for HNELHD and we have coordinated and launched many Aboriginal Employment Strategies over the past 14 years. Our Aboriginal Employment Strategy 2021 – 2025 (PDF 8.05MB) is currently being implemented.
Our stories
Hear from our staff about their career journeys with Hunter New England LHD.
Meet Pauline

Pauline, Administration Officer
See a typical work day for Pauline, Administration team member at Hunter New England Health.
Meet Julie

Julie, Aboriginal Employment Manager
Julie, a Wiradjuri woman, is proud to make a difference for Aboriginal people in her local community.
Helpful resources
SteppingUp aims to assist Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander job applicants understand how to apply for roles within NSW Health by clarifying the recruitment process and addresses some of the challenges that can be experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander applicants so they can more effectively apply for roles within NSW Health.
Aboriginal Cadetship Program
Information about the NSW Aboriginal Allied Health Cadetship Program and the NSW Aboriginal Nursing and Midwifery Cadetship Program (PDF 1.45MB).
Aboriginal Staff Networking Meetings
Aboriginal Staff Networking Principles and guidance (PDF 342.29KB)
Contact us
For questions regarding Aboriginal Employment, email the Manager of Aboriginal Employment, Sarah Maybury: Sarah.Maybury@health.nsw.gov.au