Blue Mountains sexual health and HIV clinic
location Staff Accommodation Building, Blue Mountains Hospital, Katoomba, NSW 2780 Get directions
Postal address : PO Box 63, Penrith NSW 2751
Fax (02) 4782 4659
opening hours
Sexual health and HIV patients can access specialist appointments, tests and procedures without being admitted to hospital.
About us
We provide free and confidential testing, treatment and management of sexually transmissible infections (STI) and HIV/AIDs. We provide a professional, caring and non-judgemental service which enables people to look after their own sexual health.
Referral information
Patients can self-refer or get a referral from their doctor or GP (general practitioner) including details of their patient history, current medications and symptoms.
Patients will need to contact the clinic for an appointment.
Clinic services, specialists and hours
Services provided
- testing, treatment and management of sexually transmitted infections
- treatment and management of HIV
- vaccination, following STI assessment
- contact tracing
- GP support and advice
- hepatitis clinic referrals
- specialist support and counselling for sexual health issues and people living with HIV
- phone information
- post exposure prophylaxis for HIV - PEP
- chaperone available on request for examination.
Our social workers can provide counselling for a range of sexual health related concerns.
Interpreters available.
Who we see
All sexual health clinics in NSW have eligibility assessment as outlined in the NSW Health STI and HIV Strategies. This assessment criteria focuses on people at highest risk.
Our target groups are:
- people living with HIV
- gay men
- men who have sex with men
- sex workers
- people who inject drugs
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders
- young people under 24
- people who have symptoms of an STI
- people who have had sex with someone who has been diagnosed with an STI.
If you are not included in any of the above groups, you may be referred to another appropriate service. Family planning, GPs (local doctors) and other services can provide routine health care such as pap smears, contraceptive services, breast checks and sexual dysfunction.
Related services
Smoke-free policy
All our hospitals and locations are smoke-free. Smoking anywhere on the grounds may result in a $300 fine. View our policy.