Occupational therapy clinic Lithgow Hospital
location Col Drewe Drive, Lithgow, NSW 2790 Get directions
Postal address : PO Box 10, Lithgow NSW 2790
opening hours
Occupational therapy clinic patients can access specialist appointments, tests and procedures without being admitted to hospital.
About us
We provide occupational therapy to people who are having trouble doing everyday activities. This might be because of age, illness or injury, surgery or other reasons. We assess and design exercises to help each person improve their strength, coordination and movement.
Referral information
Patients will need a referral from their doctor or GP (general practitioner) including details of their patient history, current medications and symptoms.
Clinic services, specialists and hours
This clinic is open Monday to Thursday 9am to 4:30pm.
What to bring
- Medicare card for bulk billing
- list of current medications
- previous test and pathology results, reports and scans if available.
Related services
Smoke-free policy
All our hospitals and locations are smoke-free. Smoking anywhere on the grounds may result in a $300 fine. View our policy.