Plains Assertive Community Treatment Team
location Level 2, 606 High Street, Penrith, NSW 2750 Get directions
Postal address : PO Box 63, Penrith NSW 2751
opening hours
This specialist team provides intensive mental health services for people with a severe mental illness living in the Penrith, St Marys and Hawkesbury areas.
About us
Our multidisciplinary team offers a holistic approach to develop a greater understanding of the consumer's individual needs within their social and environmental context, and build positive relationships to keep them living well in the community.
Referral information
People already receiving support from Nepean Blue Mountains LHD mental health services may be referred to this team if appropriate. Please discuss a potential referral with your mental health clinician or psychiatrist if you think this service may benefit you.
Hours of service
Monday to Friday 8am to 4:30pm (closed public holidays)
What to bring
- Medicare card for bulk billing
- list of current medications
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Smoke-free policy
All our hospitals and locations are smoke-free. Smoking anywhere on the grounds may result in a $300 fine. View our policy.