Plains Mental Health Access Team
location Level 2, 606 High Street, Penrith, NSW 2750 Get directions
Postal address : PO Box 63, Penrith NSW 2751
opening hours
We provide mental health assessment and short-term support options for people with immediate mental health concerns, and arrange referral to appropriate community-based services for ongoing care.
About us
The Plains Mental Health Access Team provides short-term community-based care to people experiencing an acute mental health crisis living in the St Marys, Penrith or Hawkesbury areas.
They then refer the person to appropriate teams or services to provide ongoing support.
Referral information
Call 1800 011 511 at any time to connect with this service.
Other mental health teams within or outside this Local Health District can also refer people directly to the team.
Hours of service
We are available 7 days a week between 8am and 10:30pm.
What to bring
- Medicare card for bulk billing
- list of current medications
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Smoke-free policy
All our hospitals and locations are smoke-free. Smoking anywhere on the grounds may result in a $300 fine. View our policy.