Springwood Community Health Centre
location 288-292 Macquarie Road , Springwood, NSW 2777 Get directions
Postal address : PO Box 593, Springwood NSW 2777
opening hours
Springwood Community Health Centre provides a range of services for local children, young people and their families, adults, older people and their caregivers.
About our services
Our services range from health promotion, clinical assessment, care planning and coordination, provision of clinical advice and interventions, and consultation with or referral to other health care providers.
They include:
- child and family health nursing, including home visits for all new parents, Early Childhood Health clinics, support with infant feeding and parenting, developmental screening and parenting groups
- counselling
- hearing screening for children
- occupational therapy for children
- speech pathology for children
- orthoptics (vision testing) for children
- immunisation for children
Services for people with chronic and complex health conditions:
- community nursing including wound care, palliative care, continence support, support for people with chronic health conditions or dementia
- allied health including physiotherapy, occupational therapy, social work, dietetics, speech therapy and podiatry
- cultural support from an Aboriginal Health Worker
- Transitional Aged Care Services (TACP)
- Regional Assessment Service (RAS)
Other services located at Springwood Community Health Centre:
Community health staff work in partnership with schools, GPs, hospitals, non-government agencies and other organisations to provide care at the centre, in people’s homes, other community venues or via virtual care (telehealth).
Who can use our services
Our service is available to people who live in the Nepean Blue Mountains LHD.
Some services are available to those who work or attend pre-school in the Nepean Blue Mountains LHD.
Our counselling services are available to people of all ages.
Our speech pathology and occupational therapy services are available to children aged under 8 years who:
- are not eligible for NDIS funding, and
- do not have a moderate or more severe developmental disability.
Hearing screening is available for children aged 3 to 12 years.
Adult podiatry, physiotherapy and occupational therapy and the wound clinic are available to clients with chronic and complex health conditions.
A referral to community health services is required through the Central Intake Service, call 1800 222 608 during business hours.
For referrals to drug and alcohol services, call the Drug and Alcohol Central Intake line at any time on 1300 661 050, or email nbmlhd-drugalcoholintake@health.nsw.gov.au.
For referrals to mental health services, call the Mental Health Line at any time on 1800 011 511.
This facility has level access, a lift and accessible toilets.