Nepean Blue Mountains Whole Family Team
location Level 1, 2-6 Station St, Penrith, NSW 2750 Get directions
Postal address : PO Box 63, Penrith NSW 2751
opening hours
This team of mental health and drug and alcohol clinicians works with families when a parent or carer has issues that are impacting on their child’s wellbeing.
About us
The Nepean Blue Mountains Whole Family Team works with eligible parents and carers for up to 12 months, to help them be the best parent or carer they can be. We meet wherever is most comfortable for them, which is often their home, or a local community health centre.
We also work closely with other services that may be involved in a family’s welfare.
Referral information
Families are referred to the Nepean Blue Mountains Whole Family Team by the Department of Communities and Justice.
Caseworkers can refer families by calling us on (02) 4734 4464.
Please note, our team works with families in the Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District only. For services in other areas contact the relevant Local Health District.
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Smoke-free policy
All our hospitals and locations are smoke-free. Smoking anywhere on the grounds may result in a $300 fine. View our policy.