About the assessment process
Find out what to expect after you've submitted your application to the Resilient Homes Program.
What to expect after you submit your application
Once you have submitted your application to the Resilient Homes Program, the NSW Reconstruction Authority (RA) will review your application and contact you directly.
RA may contact applicants at various stages of the assessment process to:
- advise what they may be eligible for under the Resilient Homes Program
- advise what the assessment process involves
- gather any additional information that the homeowner may not have submitted at the time of their application that is needed for RA to complete their assessment
- arrange an appointment for a home visit to undertake a valuation or a Home Assessment at the property.
Independent valuation for home buybacks
Homes progressing through the Home Buyback stream will require an independent valuation to be undertaken by a valuer appointed by RA. To complete the valuation, the valuer will need to inspect the property and the home.
RA will attend the site visit alongside its valuer. At this time, required identification checks will be completed by RA if they have not already been completed.
A valuation is another form of assessment and does not guarantee a Home Buyback offer. However, a valuation is required to complete RA’s assessment of a Home Buyback application.
Also see the Home Buyback Valuation page for more information.
Home Assessment for Resilient Measures (e.g. Home Raising, Home Retrofit) and Home Assessment stream in the Central West
A home visit will take place to undertake a Home Assessment by representatives from RA and flood resilience experts appointed by RA. The Home Assessment identifies whether home resilience measures are suitable for the home, and if so which measures might be most appropriate (e.g. home raising, home retrofit). This helps to determine suitability for Resilient Homes Program stream.
RA will attend the site visit alongside its home assessor. At this time, required identification checks will be completed by RA if they have not already been completed.
After the Home Assessment, a Home Assessment Report is prepared and provided to you. It identifies opportunities to increase your property’s flood resilience and reduce the impact of future floods. In the Home Assessment Report, you will find information on the:
- options that may be suitable for your home
- flood resilient strategies and floor levels for your home
- next steps and contact details for further assistance.
View the Home Assessments page for more information.
The Home Assessment Report provides guidance that is general in nature only and does not provide advice or recommendations on what may be most appropriate treatment for homes. As part of the process, homeowners will engage suitably qualified experts such as architects and engineers to provide this advice to them.
Outcome advised
Applications will be assessed by and reviewed, with final decisions made by the Resilient Homes Program Approval Panel.
Homeowners whose applications are successful will receive an offer for one of the following:
- Home Buyback – a buyback of the property whereby the homeowner receives a payment for the purchase of the property.
- Home Raising – a grant payment of up to $100,000 (including GST) towards the cost of elevating the liveable areas of the home and associated consequential works.
- Home Rebuild – a grant payment of up to $100,000 (including GST) towards the cost of rebuilding a more resilient home where the property was destroyed or severely damaged.
- Home Relocation – a grant of up to $100,000 (including GST) to help homeowners relocate their current home to a safer location on their property, or to another property in the region.
- Home Retrofit – a grant payment up to the value of $50,000 (including GST) towards the cost of retrofitting and/or repair work of on the residential dwelling to incorporate flood resilient design and materials in eligible areas.
Where the estimated costs for the Resilient Measures (i.e. Home Raising, Home Rebuild, Home Relocation and Home Retrofit) is more than the available grant value, RA will match financial contributions provided by the homeowner for eligible activities (co-contribution) up to a maximum of 100 per cent of the available grant value. In some circumstances the RA may waive the co-contribution requirement for eligible homeowners.
The maximum grant funding available for a single home is:
- Home Raising, Home Relocation or Home Rebuild - $100,000 (including GST) plus $100,000 in co-contribution up to the maximum grant value of $200,000 in total.
- Home Retrofit - $50,000 (including GST) plus $50,000 in co-contribution up to a maximum grant value of $100,000 in total.
Homeowners eligible for Resilient Measures may also seek a grant for costs associated with other assessment activities, such as planning documentation, feasibility, design, and development approval, where appropriate, up to a maximum of $20,000 including GST per property.
A Home Buyback – Retreat Grant may be available for eligible homes on lots larger than two hectares or for homes that have been impacted by landslides. More information is available in the Large Lot and Landslide policies.
Seeking an internal review or appeal
Homeowners who are dissatisfied with a Resilient Homes Program decision can request an internal review or an appeal.
This must be done within 90 days of receiving written notice of the decision, or, if a homeowner is submitting an appeal following an internal review, this must be submitted within 30 days of receiving written notice of the internal review decision.
Next steps
For more information
- Home Buyback Fact sheet and FAQs (PDF 255.28KB)
- Home Buyback valuation (PDF 240.38KB)
- Home Relocation (PDF 115.2KB)
- Home Buyback Gifting a home for relocation (PDF 116.58KB)
- Resilient Measures - Home Raising, Rebuild, Relocation and Retrofit (PDF 153.5KB)
- Large Lot Policy (PDF 131.61KB)
- Landslide Policy (PDF 133.15KB)
Fact sheets and guidance
Find resources about the Resilient Homes Program in our publications and reports library