Relocatable Homes Expression of Interest (EOI)
Selected buyback homes are now available for purchase in the Northern Rivers
EOI now open for selected homes
Through the Australian and State Government funded Resilient Homes Program, the NSW Reconstruction Authority (RA) has bought back homes in high flood risk locations across the Northern Rivers.
In an Australian first, RA is now offering around 30 selected buyback homes in the Lismore and Murwillumbah areas for sale through an EOI process. The EOI is open until 5pm on 14 February 2025. RA has appointed local real estate agent PRD Northern Rivers to market the homes and manage the sale process.
The ongoing use of these buyback homes will help preserve the heritage and memories that these homes represent. Many of these homes are constructed from hardwood and can be relocated to more suitable, safer land to be enjoyed by new owners for years to come.
The Relocatable Homes EOI is open to all members of the public. Homes will be offered for sale in their current condition and a hazardous materials report is available for each home to guide purchasers.
RA has appointed local real estate agent PRD Northern Rivers to market the homes and manage the sale process. Please direct any queries about the homes available and the EOI submission process to PRD Northern Rivers:
Phone (02) 6624 7700
Please note, PRD Northern Rivers will close for the Christmas/ New Year period from 12pm on 24 December 2024 and will reopen on 6 January 2025.
Steps in the EOI process
- Decide if relocating a home is for you. More information about the process and cost of relocating a home is available on this website and from your local council.
- Find out about the EOI process and the homes available. PRD Northern Rivers are managing the sale process and can provide you this information. Further details are available on the PRD Northern Rivers website.
- Prepare and submit your EOI submission to PRD Northern Rivers by 5pm on Friday 14 February 2025.
- After the EOI closes, submissions are evaluated by an Evaluation panel. The evaluation criteria includes buyer type, buyer readiness and the financial offer.
- If your EOI submission is selected, you will be invited to enter contract negotiations with RA for the purchase of a home.
- Relocation of the home must be undertaken by the buyer within 12 months of purchase as per the conditions of the contract.
Evaluation of EOI submissions
The EOI submissions will be assessed by an evaluation panel. This process will be overseen by an Independent Probity Advisor.
All eligible EOIs will be assessed against the following weighted criteria: buyer type (40% weighting), buyer readiness (40%) and financial offer (20%). The highest ranked EOI submission for each home will be invited to enter contract negotiations with RA to purchase the home.
Buyer type
Will be scored from highest to lowest in this list, with the highest at the top:
- participants of the Northern Rivers Resilient Homes Program Home Buyback stream or flood impacted Northern Rivers residents in temporary accommodation who are looking to purchase a home for their primary residence
- Northern Rivers residents who wish to use the home for their primary residence in the Northern Rivers
- non-residents who wish to use the home for their primary residence in the Northern Rivers
- buyers who wish to use the home for other purposes within the Northern Rivers, e.g. to rent or for a commercial premises
- buyers who wish to relocate the home outside the Northern Rivers.
Buyer readiness
- Potential buyers who have access to suitable land to move the home to, and/or those who have the money to purchase the home and fund the relocation process, will be scored higher than those who are yet to secure land and/or obtain finance.
- Suitable land is land outside of a Priority Level 1, 2 or 3 area on the Resilient Homes Program prioritsation mapping.
Financial offer
- The value of a buyer’s financial offer will also be considered in the evaluation process. The highest offers will achieve the highest score for this criteria.
- Your financial offer will be best and final, and you will not have another opportunity to revise the amount. In deciding on how much to offer, you should consider other costs involved in buying, relocating and renovating a home. This can include home preparation and transportation, asbestos removal and relevant approvals. As part of any pre-purchase checks, you may want to obtain independent advice on relocating and renovating the home.
Frequently Asked Questions
There are several things to consider when deciding if a relocatable home is right for you. This includes:
- cost to buy the home, noting most financial institutions won’t provide loans for this type of purchase
- time and costs to prepare your site, obtain planning approvals and move the home
- renovations required to make the home liveable again – these are on top of the cost of purchasing the home and relocation.
A good place to start your decision-making is by having a meeting with a Planning Officer at your relevant council. This will help you to understand the planning approvals required for your site. If your site is in a development subdivision, it is also a good idea to check if there are any covenants that restrict relocatable homes.
Many relocation contractors also provide information on the relocation process and costs. The Relocatable Homes EOI Buyer information fact sheet provides additional information for interested buyers.
Before making an EOI submission, potential buyers will need to consider what they can afford. As well as the home purchase price, there will be costs to relocate and re-site the home. It could cost $80,000 or more just to transport and re-site the home.
Other costs that buyers should consider include fees for planning, design and engineering advice, connection to services at the new site, and building work and renovations required to make the home liveable again. This could cost into the hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Relocating a home to your new site is just the first step. Buyers will need to plan for the time it takes to complete renovations and obtain an occupancy certificate from their relevant council.
It could take up to 12 months to relocate a home due to the time to obtain planning and transportation approvals, engage contractors, and prepare your new site. Relocation contractors have lead times that impact when a home can be scheduled for relocation. Buyers will need to be ready to navigate approvals and make the decisions required.
To express your interest in one or more homes, you will need to obtain an EOI submission form from PRD Northern Rivers. The form will ask you a series of questions to help RA assess your EOI submission including how ready you are to purchase a relocatable home.
Submit your EOI submission form to PRD Northern Rivers by 5pm on 14 February 2025. EOI submissions will not be accepted after this time.
RA has appointed PRD Northern Rivers to manage the EOI. They will provide guidance on the estimated value of the homes. Potential buyers should do their own research to understand how much relocatable homes often sell for. It is important to understand what is included in the sale price when making comparisons.
No. It is not a requirement to have land at the time you submit your Expression of Interest.
Buyers who have access to suitable land to move the home to, and/or those who have the money to purchase the home and fund the relocation process, will be scored higher than those who are yet to secure land or obtain finance.
Suitable land is identified as being outside of a Priority Level 1, 2 or 3 area as identified on the Resilient Homes Program prioritsation mapping.
Homes must also comply with all relevant planning requirements.
Homes must be removed from RA’s site to suitable land within 12 months of purchase.
No, the EOI process is for the sale of the relocatable home only.
Following the close of the EOI period, the RA evaluation panel will review EOI submissions against the evaluation criteria.
The EOI evaluation timing will depend on the number of submissions received for each home. If there is a strong response, potential buyers may miss out on purchasing a home. For this reason, it is a good idea to express your interest in more than one home.
Everyone who makes an EOI submission will be contacted to let them know their outcome in the process.
Once EOI submissions are evaluated, RA will select a submission to enter a sale contract for each home. The sale contract will set out the agreed purchase price and conditions.
Conditions will include the timeframe for the buyer to relocate the home, site access arrangements, and the buyer’s responsibilities to leave RA’s site clean, tidy and safe.
The EOI process is non-binding. Participants can withdraw their submission at any time before signing a purchase contract.
A copy of the sample sale contract can be requested from PRD Northern Rivers.
RA anticipates additional buyback properties will be made available in the future. RA will review the outcomes of this EOI process prior to progressing additional properties for sale.
Any NSW Government funds remaining from the sale of relocatable buyback homes after costs, will be reinvested into the Resilient Homes Program as it continues to be rolled out across the region.
For more information
RA has resources available to help you understand more about the process of relocating a home and the things that you should consider before deciding if a relocatable home is right for you.
Please contact our team for more information at:
T: 1800 844 085
Fact sheets and guidance
Find resources about the Resilient Homes Program in our publications and reports library