A smile, a thank you – it’s the small acts of kindness that make the difference to the experiences of our staff, patients, families, and carers across NSW Health.
To mark this year’s NSW Health Gathering of Kindness (11 – 15 November) here at Southern, we invited staff, patients, families and visitors to nominate a Southern staff member or volunteer for a 2024 World Kindness Day award.
Over 350 nominations were received. As nominations were received, recipients were emailed their certificate, including the kind words from their nomination. Their email included a link to nominate a colleague and help spread a wave of kindness across Southern.
NSW Health has a long and proud history of providing safe and kind care to patients, families, carers and volunteers. The NSW Health Gathering of Kindness uses World Kindness Day on 13 November to continue a conversation about bringing kindness and compassion into the delivery of healthcare.
This year, the program focused on Kindness is my Superpower, seeing kindness in action across NSW Health; encouraging the use of kindness and compassion to reconnect with hearts and minds, despite the daily challenges faced in healthcare.
The NSW Ministry of Health's Division of Health System Strategy and Patient Experience partnered with the Nursing and Midwifery Office and the Hush Foundation to deliver a virtual program of daily events which explored opportunities for creativity, change, collaboration and courage.
This year, NSW Health launched the updated NSW Health and the Arts Framework, reflecting the commitment to creating environments that shape relationships between self and community. These are key factors of health and wellbeing. The Framework highlights how arts can be used as part of the solution to some of the key challenges faced in healthcare, particularly within Mental Health and Aged Care.
The number of people reported to the public health unit requiring vaccination after exposure to bats has started to increase, as often occurs during summer when bats become more active.
The stroke unit at Moruya Hospital has been recognised with a prestigious World Stroke Organization Angels Gold Status Award for meeting the highest standards in stroke treatment and care.
Southern NSW Local Health District is among the state’s top performers for emergency department and planned surgery performance, despite treating a high number of critically unwell patients during the July to September 2024 quarter.