Common terms in Wills and Estate Planning
Navigating the world of Wills and Estate Planning can be confusing. You may have heard the terms Beneficiary, Executor, Administrator and Trustee but do you know what they mean?
You should update and review your Will throughout your lifetime
NSW Trustee and Guardian recommend you update and review your Will throughout your life as having an outdated Will can have unintended consequences.
Should you use a DIY Will Kit?
Do-it-yourself (DIY) Wills are not a good idea if you want to make sure all things are considered and clear for your loved ones after you pass away.
Are you one of the 60% of people in NSW without a legal Will?
Did you know over half of NSW residents do not have a valid and legal Will? Research conducted by NSW Trustee and Guardian in 2023* showed that 60% of NSW residents do not have a legal Will document in place. NSW Trustee and Guardian is looking to solve this problem with a new targeted campaign seeking to raise awareness about the importance of having a Will and the potential consequences of not having one.
Don't forget about Fido when making your Will
In recent years more and more people are considering their pets as family members. As such, just as you would consider care and guardianship for a child, thinking about what may become of your pets if something should happen to you is just as important when making a Will.
NSW Trustee and Guardian Customer Surveys
NSW Trustee and Guardian will be surveying customers about our services from September through to December 2024. The surveys will help us improve how we listen, learn and act on customer feedback in the future. Some NSW Trustee and Guardian customers will be sent the survey after a specific interaction with either the Public Guardian, Financial Management or Estate Administration teams.
Estate planning for Parents of a child with disability
Read about NSW Trustee and Guardian's collaboration with Down Syndrome NSW (DS NSW).
The Disability Royal Commission’s final report
On Friday, 29 September 2023, the final report of the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability was released.
Introduction of MyMedicare
From 1 October 2023, MyMedicare opened for voluntary registration to Australians with a valid Medicare card or Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) card.
Dementia Behaviour Management Advisory Service (DBMAS)
The Dementia Behaviour Management Advisory Service (DBMAS) is a service provided by Dementia Support Australia
Contact NSW Trustee and Guardian
For general enquiries, call:
- 1300 109 290 within Australia
- +61 2 9240 0702 from overseas
More options to contact us.
Between September and November, some customers will receive a survey by email, phone or post about a recent experience with us. The survey feedback will help us improve our services. Read more about these surveys in our News Section
Postal address
NSW Trustee and Guardian
Locked Bag 5115, Parramatta NSW 2124
Follow us on social media.