At the heart of these cases is relationships, and while we don’t like to think that our close family or friends will be in conflict with each other when the time comes, the reality is that circumstances change and people come and go.
That’s why NSW Trustee and Guardian is encouraging people to think ahead and choose an independent executor.
An executor is the person or organisation responsible for carrying out the directions in your Will when you pass away.
They are responsible for complex tasks such as selling assets, paying any liabilities, ensuring tax affairs are in order and distributing assets and funds.
To effectively administer an estate you need to be able to deal with legal, financial and accounting issues, and it can be very time consuming - sometimes it can feel like a full time, ongoing job in itself. If the Will is contested, it is the executor who is responsible for defending the claim and representing the estate in the litigation, which can be a stressful experience.
By appointing an independent, impartial executor like NSW Trustee and Guardian you can relieve your close family and friends from this burden.
NSW Trustee and Guardian is the expert in estate administration with specialist teams in legal and trustee services, finance and tax to manage your estate. Our job is to carry out the wishes of your Will efficiently and effectively. We are unbiased, trustworthy and are focussed on respecting your wishes.
Finalising a person’s affairs while grieving can be daunting and emotionally challenging for the person you nominate.
So, instead of burdening a loved one – choose an independent executor for the future.
* Names and identifying details may have been changed to protect the privacy of individuals.