Positive COVID-19 cases
If your facility or home supports a person represented by the Public Guardian (represented person) and there is a positive COVID-19 case, please contact the Public Guardian via the email address previously provided to you. If you don’t know the email address, contact pg.engagement@opg.nsw.gov.au.
Please email the following information as soon as practicable:
- the represented person(s)’ vaccination status, including name of vaccine and date of last dose if applicable
- the represented person(s)’ booster status, including if this has been received or is scheduled, and name of vaccine and date if applicable
- the represented person(s)’ health status, including if the person has COVID-19 and how it is being treated, or the proposed treatment plan if the person contracts COVID-19.
If the represented person becomes acutely unwell, please call an ambulance and advise the Public Guardian if they are taken to hospital.
Consent to the COVID-19 vaccine
If the Public Guardian is appointed for a person, we may have authority to consent to them receiving the COVID-19 vaccine and booster vaccine if they cannot consent for themselves.
Consent can be sought verbally in discussion with a medical practitioner or in writing using the medical consent form, to be completed by a medical practitioner. The Public Guardian will respond to requests for medical consent within 24 hours.
If the person cannot provide their own consent and the Public Guardian does not have the authority to provide consent, a ‘person responsible’ may be able to consent.
Consent to treatment for COVID-19
If the Public Guardian is appointed for a person, we may have authority to consent to them receiving appropriate treatment for COVID-19 if they cannot consent for themselves.
Consent can be sought verbally in discussion with a medical practitioner or in writing using the medical consent form, to be completed by a medical practitioner. The Public Guardian will respond to requests for medical consent within 24 hours.
If the represented person becomes acutely unwell and requires end of life treatment, medical practitioners should refer to the Public Guardian’s End of Life (EOL) Planning factsheet for information about proposing a treatment plan to the Public Guardian.
Public Guardian decisions during COVID-19
Public health orders override decisions made by the Public Guardian. Residential care facilities may also have specific COVID-19 policies and procedures. These may impact the Public Guardian’s decisions, including:
- access decisions such as visitation
- accommodation decisions such as overnight stays
- service decisions such as attending day programs.
The Public Guardian is working with service providers and family members to prioritise the safety of our customers. We appreciate your patience.
Please contact pg.engagement@opg.nsw.gov.au or 1300 076 694 for more information.