Dr Louise Baker
Dr Louise Baker was the winner of the Rex Airlines Regional Woman of the Year Award at the 2019 NSW Women of the Year Awards.

Dr Louise Baker has provided more than 30 years of dedicated service as a GP Obstetrician in Cowra NSW. She has provided care to generations of Cowra families, including substantial medical service to the local Aboriginal community.
Louise is also Academic Coordinator and Senior Lecturer for the ANU Rural Clinical School, training and mentoring medical students and GP Registrars. Through this work she has put Cowra on the map as a great location to work as a doctor. In 2018 she received the Peter Graham 'Cohuna' Award - the highest Award bestowed by the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine and Rural Doctors Association of Australia and in 2016, the Supervisor of the Year Award at the Western NSW Regional Awards by GP Synergy.
Louise has worked as a locum GP, set up the Central West Division of General Practice, and served in various roles with the Remote Vocational Training Scheme. She has also served on the Management Committee of the Rural Doctors Association of NSW for the past 8 years.
Louise has worked tirelessly for GP procedural training in NSW, and represents the Rural Doctors Association on the NSW Rural Generalist Program Statewide Council. She has also been involved in the Cowra pilot of the NSW Health Integrated Care Project, working to support local youth in areas including mental health. Louise is married to Steven and they have five adult children.