Checking the weather forecast before going out on NSW waterways
Weather conditions on NSW waterways can change quickly, especially on open waters. Check forecasts before you go out and while you're on the water.
Weather conditions
It's important to make decisions before and during your trip based on the wind, waves and weather warnings forecasts.
Checking the weather forecasts before you go out and regularly while you're on the water gives you the best chance to alter course or return to shore safely if the weather changes suddenly.
Bad weather can create a situation of heightened risk. In these situations, the dangers to you and your vessel increase – for example, the vessel may capsize or be swamped by waves, or you may fall overboard.
Poor weather is associated with up to 1 in 3 fatal incidents on the water.
Because weather conditions can change very quickly, it's important toalways be prepared for extreme weather conditions. This includes having:
- lifejackets for everyone on board
- warm clothing and wet weather gear
- sunscreen, sunglasses, sun-protective clothing, hats and drinking water
- the required lights and safety equipment on your vessel.

Always check the weather
Before you go
When planning your trip, check:
- weather conditions affecting safe navigation – for example, restricted visibility due to fog, heavy rain, glare or darkness
- weather conditions affecting comfort, such as extreme heat or cold
- wind trends – for example, wind changes, storms or a front bringing strong winds
- wave conditions, including swell and wave heights
- tides – the times for high and low tides
- current warnings for the area
- the location and weather conditions at coastal bars
- sunrise and sunset times.
For safety information about wave heights and vessel size, see Waves and swell.
If the weather looks likely to change or the water looks rough, postpone your trip or choose a calmer location. If in doubt, don't go out.
Setting up warning notifications
Find out how to set up warning notifications for multiple locations and how weather warnings are managed by the Bureau of Meteorology.

Weather forecasts and warnings
How wind speeds impact your vessel
Learn about how wind speeds are measured and how they may impact your vessel when boating.

Check the Weather - Wind Conditions
How waves and tides affect your trip
Find out how wave conditions are forecast and how tidal changes can affect wave height and speed, and what this means for you and your vessel.

Check the Weather - Wave Conditions
Bureau of Meteorology (BOM)
The BOM provides a 24-hour forecast and wind warning service for Australian coastal waters.
Warnings are issued and updated for:
- hazardous surf conditions (wave height and period)
- strong winds (average 26 to 33 knots, plan for gusts of 36 to 45 knots)
- gale force winds (average 34 to 47 knots, plan for gusts of 48 to 65 knots)
- storm force winds (average 48 to 63 knots, plan for gusts of 67 to 88 knots)
- hurricane force winds (average 64 knots or more, plan for gusts of 90 knots or more).
Note that wind gusts may be up to 40% stronger than the forecast average. 'Significant wave height' means that maximum waves may be up to twice the forecast height.
Before you head out, download the BOM app or visit the BOM website for the latest weather information:
- Marine and ocean for warnings and forecasts, including hazardous surf warnings
- MetEye for detailed forecasts for your area.
While you're on the water
When you're on the water, check the weather regularly by:
- listening to your marine radio for Marine Rescue NSW weather warnings broadcast on VHF 16 and 27 MHz 88
- checking the BOM mobile website to monitor the weather and check for new or updated warnings, forecasts, heavy rain and thunderstorms.
You can also call the BOM Weather Warning Service on 1300 132 536.
Always keep an eye on the sky and the water. If you see changes – for example, threatening clouds in the sky or whitecaps on the water – make sure everyone is wearing a lifejacket and head for shore.
Weather systems can be deceptive. From a distance they can appear to move slowly, but can change quickly and suddenly. Take extra care when travelling on open waters and alpine waters.
Top tips to stay safe
- Always wear a lifejacket, don’t risk your life.
- Always log on/off with Marine Rescue via the app, VHF Radio (Channel 16) or phone.
- Regularly check Bureau of Meteorology forecasts (or via their app), including the winds, waves and warnings forecasted.
- MetEye provides detailed forecasts for winds and waves at all locations.
- More information on boating rules can be found in the Boating Handbook.
Related apps

BOM Weather
BOM Weather is the Bureau of Meteorology's weather app, giving you accurate weather information at your fingertips.
The BOM weather app includes current conditions, forecasts, warnings and radar.

Marine Rescue NSW
Marine Rescue NSW is the state’s official volunteer marine rescue service. The MarineRescue App allows you to register details of your next boating trip.