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Read advice about prose fiction HSC text amendments for the new English Standard, English Advanced and English EAL/D for Year 11 from 2018.
Schools are advised the NESA Board has amended the HSC text requirements relating to prose fiction for the new English Standard, English Advanced and English EAL/D Stage 6 syllabuses for implementation with Year 11 from 2018.
The following changes have been made to the Year 11 and Year 12 Course Structure and Requirements:
English Standard and English EAL/D
In Year 12 students are required to closely study three types of prescribed texts, one drawn from each of the following categories:
English Advanced
In Year 12 students are required to closely study four prescribed texts, one drawn from each of the following categories:
The remaining text may be film, media or nonfiction text or may be selected from one of the categories above.
To clarify and strengthen course requirements for both Year 11 and Year 12 a further amendment includes the addition of the following point:
Across Stage 6 the selection of texts must give students experience of the following:
The new Stage 6 English syllabuses are available to download from the syllabus section of the NESA website.
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