Notice information
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- Stages
- Stage 6 (Years 11 and 12)
Stage 6 Swedish Continuers will not be suspended in 2023. The Stage 6 Croatian Continuers is at risk of suspension due to low HSC candidature in 2020.
Stage 6 Swedish Continuers will not be suspended in 2023.
The Stage 6 Croatian Continuers is at risk of suspension due to low HSC candidature in 2020. Due to enrolment disruptions as a result of COVID-19, 2020 has been discounted for the purpose of calculating language completion data for the suspension of courses. Should the candidature fall below 15 in 2021, 2022 and 2023, NESA will suspend the Stage 6 Croatian Continuers course after the 2025 HSC examination.
NESA has determined that when the candidature of an HSC course falls below 15 for three consecutive years, the subject will be suspended (BOSTES 9/15).
If the demand and sustainability return to a level where the subject would again become viable as an HSC course, the course may be reactivated.
Timeline for the suspension of the Stage 6 Croatian Continuers course
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