Notice information
- Topic
- Curriculum, HSC
- Learning Area
- Languages
- Stages
- Stage 6 (Years 11 and 12)
Following a recommendation by the Australasian Curriculum, Assessment and Certification Authorities (ACACA), the CCAFL Indonesian in Context course will be suspended after the 2019 HSC examination.
When national candidature of a nationally assessed language falls below 15 for each of three consecutive years, the language subject will be suspended. Should demand and sustainability increase to a level where the language would again become viable as an HSC course, the course may be reactivated.
If a NSW school has students wishing to study Indonesian in Context after the suspension date, the school may seek approval to offer Indonesian in Context as a School Developed Board Endorsed Course.
Timeline for the suspension of the CCAFL Indonesian in Context Continuers course:
Year | Timeline |
2018 | Last year for Year 11 enrolments in Indonesian in Context |
2019 | Indonesian in Context not offered at Year 11 Last year for Year 12 enrolments and HSC examination for Indonesian in Context |
2020 | Indonesian in Context not available as an HSC course. Students will not be able to repeat Indonesian in Context at Year 12. |
For more information, contact:
Lyn Sully
Inspector, Languages
(02) 9367 8152