Overview of this occupation
Sales Assistants (General) sell goods and services, such as food, clothing, hardware, household appliances, office supplies and cosmetics, in retail and wholesale establishments.
What they do:
- Answer questions and advise others on the use of products, goods, or services
- Collect information about customer, client, or user needs or issues
- Demonstrate products to customers
- Estimate costs of goods, services or materials
- Estimate or quote costs or terms of sales
- Greet customers, patrons or visitors
- Locate products in stores, stock rooms or warehouses using online databases
- Prepare sales or other contracts
- Process sales, exchanges, refunds or other transactions
- Recommend products, goods, or services to customers
- Reserve and prepare customer orders for postage, delivery or collection
- Sell goods or services
- Set up merchandise displays
What technology tools they use:
- Business intelligence and decision support software
- Customer survey and experience management systems
- Inventory management software
- Point of sale (POS) and EFTPOS systems
- Social media platforms
What their interests are:
- Business, Management And Sales – they enjoy meeting people, leading and talking with others.
- Social – they enjoy focusing on social welfare and working with people.
Source: Australian Skills Classification, job and Skills Australia, Commonwealth of Australia. Used under Creative Commons BY 4.0 licence and Jobs and Skills Australia, ABS Census 2016, Customised Report.
Quick facts
Sales Assistant (General)
The number of people employed in an occupations as their main job across all Australian states.
The projected increase in employment in Australia from May 2023 to May 2028.
The distribution of people employed in an occupation in NSW.
Earnings are before tax and include amounts salary sacrificed.
This shows the median age of all workers in this occupation.
Those who usually work less than 35 hours per week.
See footnotes for source details and additional information.
Skills and knowledge
What are they good at?
This table lists skills and knowledge categories according to how relevant they are for this occupation.
High expertise | Intermediate |
High expertise
Source: Australian Skills Classification, Jobs and Skills Australia, Commonwealth of Australia. Used under Creative Commons BY 4.0 licence.
Education and qualifications
Sales Assistant (General) – Skill level 5
Occupations at Skill Level 5 have a level of skill commensurate with one of the following:
- AQF Certificate I or compulsory secondary education
For some occupations, a short period of on-the-job training may be required in addition to or instead of the formal qualification.
Source: Conceptual basis of ANZSCO, ABS Survey, Release Nov 2021.
Qualifications in this workforce
This table shows the distribution of employment by highest qualification completed (in any field of study).7
Source: ABS, 2021 Census of Population and Housing based on place of usual residence.
Use this as a guide for understanding what qualifications are the most common in this field. For personalised support on your education journey, talk to a Careers NSW specialist.
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