Key information
- Status: Open
- Grant amount: From $150,000 to $250,000
- Application opened: 20 January 2025
- Application closes: 14 February 2025, 3:00 pm
Program objective
The primary objective of Supporting Women in Business (SWIB) Grants is to address barriers and support women to achieve their purpose of starting or growing a micro or small business. The grants seek to increase women’s skills and confidence and to support them in achieving their business goals.
A variety of tailored projects will be funded, providing support, training, mentoring, networking skills and opportunities, assistance to access finance and business development support. Projects will be targeted to the nominated focus communities, responding to their specific needs, life stages and circumstances.
This program is administered by Women NSW.
Who can apply
Applicants must be a legally constituted Australian-based entity from one of the following categories:
- Aboriginal and / or Torres Strait Islander Community Controlled Organisations (ACCO).
- Incorporated, not-for-profit organisations, including community organisations, industry associations, peak bodies and Chambers of Commerce
- Social enterprises
- Applicants must be willing to obtain appropriate public liability insurance (minimum of $10 million) if successful.
- Applications must provide a budget outlining proposed funding of eligible expenditure items and excluding non-eligible expenditure items (per section 2.3 in the guidelines). A minimum of 10 per cent funding from other sources (monetary or in-kind).
- An application must be made by a single organisation that will accept responsibility for the delivery of the project if the application is successful.
- Applicants must be based within NSW, unless they can demonstrate that the project will be run in and for the benefit of women in NSW and that the organisation meets all regulatory, business requirements.
- Projects must be delivered in the period between July 2025 – 30 June 2027.
- Applicants must apply for funding within the specified amounts of $150,000 to $250,000.
Who the grant is targeted towards
Projects must target and support one of the following focus communities:
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women
- carers
- young women living in, or who have lived in, out-of-home care
- lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex, queer and/or asexual (LGBTIQA+) women
- older women
- women experiencing socioeconomic disadvantage
- women facing homelessness
- women from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities
- women in contact with the criminal justice system
- women living in regional, rural, remote and cross-border areas
- women with disability
- women with a mental illness
- women who have a history of, or are currently experiencing, domestic, family or sexual violence
- women veterans (and the women partners of veterans and service members)
- young women (17-24 years)
Types of projects funded under this grant
SWIB will fund a variety of models and funding will vary according to the proposed model and corresponding extent of services to be provided, in response to focus communities’ needs.
Funding for projects will vary within the range of $150,000 - $250,000 depending on the project model, the number of participants to be supported, and the level and intensity of services and supports provided to participants.
Projects should provide a model delivering some or all the following components. A minimum of four service components is required. Supports can include, but are not limited to the following:
Accelerator programs
- Short term accelerator programs supporting female founders at any stage of their business through mentoring and access to finance.
Coaching and mentoring
- Tailored mentoring and support programs and business support to help participants start, run and grow their small business.
Small business training / workshops
- Provide online or in-person training workshops and support access to a range of relevant accredited training options to increase required business skills.
Advisory services including support with business planning
- One-to-one tailored business advisory sessions supporting participants with starting a micro / small business or operating an existing business. Includes supporting participants to develop a business plan and reviewing viability.
- Advice on a range of other small business matters including (but not limited to) finance, operations, marketing and promotions, customer / client management, governance or administration.
- Support participants to develop procurement readiness in order to supply goods and services to government and other businesses, as relevant.
- Connect participants with NSW Government and other business support services, as relevant.
Support in developing business networks
- Support participants to link to relevant small business and industry networks and to build their networking skills for the purposes of business growth and increased access to finance.
Support in gaining access to finance, investment or start-up capital
- Support participants to understand the types of finance available and which is best suited to their needs.
- Support participants to access finance.
When the project can start and end
The project should be started by 1 July 2025 and the project must be completed by 30 June 2027.
Outcomes for projects funded under this grant
SWIB outcomes are detailed in the Project Logic. It is expected that SWIB projects will achieve a range of outcomes tailored to the specific needs and goals of the business owner.
Outcomes for participants will include:
- Increased access to resources and support in starting or growing a micro or small business.
- Increased networks, business skills and confidence in starting or growing a business.
- Access to finance, investment, or start-up capital to start or grow a business.
- Increased number or size of small businesses run by participants within 12 months.
- Higher business turnover, profit or employment.
- Increased customer or client base and / or business growth, expansion, capacity and output.
- Participants financial wellbeing and economic security are improved as a result of starting or growing a successful business.
- Businesses run by participants have greater presence in existing markets and/or access to extended, alternate, or larger markets.
- Increased number of women owned and led businesses registered to procure their services to the NSW Government via Buy NSW. Support will be provided to organisations regarding this outcome.
Who can’t apply
Funding will not be provided to:
- Individuals or groups of individuals, including sole traders.
- Unincorporated organisations.
- For profit commercial organisations and entities.
- Sub-contractors – either for program management or for project delivery on behalf of non-eligible organisations.
- NSW Government or Australian Government agencies or their entities (including public trusts).
- Applicants requesting 100 percent project funding from Women NSW.
- Projects which already receive NSW or Commonwealth Government funding.
- Applicants with outstanding acquittal requirements with Women NSW.
- Applicants with an obligation under the NSW National Redress Scheme who have not joined the Scheme (further information outlined in section 2.3 of the guidelines).
Note: NSW Government schools, Local Health Districts and public hospitals are ineligible to apply, however, an associated incorporated not-for-profit body, such as a Parents and Citizens Association or hospital auxiliary will be eligible to apply for funding.
What co-contributions are required
The application must include a minimum of ten percent income from other sources (cash or in-kind).
Additional eligibility requirements
Requirements for Aboriginal / Torres Strait Islander Community-Controlled Organisations
For the purpose of this grant, an eligible Aboriginal and / or Torres Strait Islander Community Controlled Organisation builds the strength and empowerment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and people, and is:
- Incorporated under relevant legislation.
- Not-for-profit (see further requirements below).
- Controlled and operated by Aboriginal and / or Torres Strait Islander people.
- Connected to the community or communities in which they deliver services.
- Governed by a majority Aboriginal and / or Torres Strait Islander governing body.
Applicants will be required to provide documentation to support their ACCO status such as:
- An Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations certificate of registration.
- A constitution/rule book which shows the organisation requirements.
- Letters or surveys from other local Aboriginal organisations, groups or relevant community stakeholders or outcomes from community feedback.
Requirements for Not for Profits:
Eligible not-for-profit organisations must be registered and approved as a not-for-profit body with a current and up-to-date record in at least one of the following categories:
- Charities, trusts, and cooperatives that are registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC).
- Organisations with Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status.
- Organisations with Public Benevolent Institution
- Associations (registered under the Associations Incorporation Act 2009 and with NSW Fair Trading).
- A Local Aboriginal Land Council under the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 (NSW) and registered with the NSW Aboriginal Land Council.
- Indigenous Corporations registered with the Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations.
Requirement for Social Enterprises
To be considered a social enterprise, an organisation must satisfy each of the criteria below:
- be established with a social, cultural or environmental purpose consistent with a public and/or community benefit.
- trade commercially to fulfil their purpose.
- derive a substantial portion of their income from trading commercially.
- reinvest the majority of their surplus in the fulfilment of their purpose.
Social Traders certification or People and Planet First global verification is required as evidence to demonstrate the social enterprise definition is met. Organisations will be required to indicate which certification or verification they will use at the Expression of Interest stage and provide the required evidence at the Full Grant Application stage.
What your application needs to include
Prepare your application with this checklist
To streamline the application process, this year Women NSW will use a two-stage process for SWIB Grants.
The first stage involves completing a short Expression of Interest (EOI) form through SmartyGrants. Applicants will not be able to apply for a grant without submitting an EOI.
Women NSW will select a shortlist of organisations based on the EOI Assessment criteria and invite shortlisted organisations to complete a full grant application form in the second stage of the process.
Full grant applications will go through a comprehensive assessment process to determine the successful projects.
Read the SWIB Guidelines (pdf version) or (word version) and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to assist with completing the EOI and Full Application.
Address the eligibility criteria
Each applicant, as part of an application response, must confirm that they meet the eligibility criteria.
Applicants that do not address the eligibility criteria in full may be excluded from the application process at the department's discretion.
Address the assessment criteria
Expressions of Interest Assessment criteria
EOI will be shortlisted against the following criteria:
1. Focus community
- Demonstrates strong connections and extensive work with the nominated focus community.
- Organisations clearly demonstrating their project will target and achieve outcomes for one nominated focus community will score more highly.
2. Effective service delivery model
- Demonstrates a well-developed service delivery model that provides the appropriate types and levels of tailored and / or industry specific services to the nominated focus community and will result in business outcomes for the women participating.
- Organisations clearly demonstrating a service delivery model that is tailored to the needs and outcomes for one nominated focus community will score more highly.
- SWIB focus communities, key project components and intended outcomes are set out in sections 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5 respectively, of the guidelines.
3. Organisational capacity
- Demonstrates extensive experience in delivering business support programs, established partnerships / networks within the business and / or finance sector, and your organisation’s capacity to deliver the project in line with the SWIB objectives and outcomes.
- Organisations demonstrating requisite skills, experience and capacity in delivering business support programs for the one nominated focus community will score more highly.
4. Value for money
- Provides a clear rationale for the service delivery model and how it achieves value for money, including the minimum number of participants that will be supported.
- Organisations demonstrating a clear rationale for the service delivery model and its associated costs will score more highly.
Full Grant Application Assessment criteria
Shortlisted organisations invited to apply for a SWIB grant must competitively meet the following assessment criteria, of equal weighting, to be considered for funding:
1. Effective service delivery model
- The project has a well-developed service delivery model that sets out the types, level, and intensity of supports to be provided to participants and provides a rationale and costings for the model.
- Applications must demonstrate well established connections with the nominated focus community and how the service delivery model is tailored to the needs of the one nominated focus community.
- There is a clear project plan for delivering the project which sets outs key project activities and milestones.
- SWIB focus communities and key project components are set out in sections 1.3, and 1.4 of the guidelines.
2. Partnerships and engagement
- The application outlines the partnerships and engagement with relevant business support, training and finance sector organisations required to support the project, and clearly outlines partner contributions.
3. Organisational capacity
- Applicants must demonstrate that their organisation has the appropriate skills and expertise to deliver the project, including prior experience delivering business support programs and their outcomes.
- Projects must also demonstrate capacity to provide ongoing value beyond the funding provided under the SWIB Grants.
4. Outcomes
- The application sets out clearly defined outcomes and how they will be measured and evaluated.
- The application includes an evaluation strategy with metrics for measuring success in achieving outcomes.
- SWIB outcomes are set out in section 1.5 of the guidelines and SWIB Project Logic.
5. Value for money
- Costs are clearly outlined in the budget including:
- expenditure items are detailed and clearly link to activities and outcomes
- funding sought from Women NSW
- in-kind contributions
- Projects must represent value for money in terms of both overall costs, and the value of the outcomes and benefits that will be delivered.
- The proposal must outline the minimum number of women who will benefit from the project and how the proposed service model represents value for money.
- Recognition of women with complex needs: Higher cost models for women with complex needs should be clearly outlined and costed, including evidence that supports the model.
6. Evidence based
- The application has a clear and well-refined problem statement, that outlines how the project will respond to the needs of women from the focus community experiencing barriers to starting a business.
- The project approach and service delivery model are supported by evidence and / or leading practice.
Start the application
Key dates
20 January 2025 - EOI Applications open 10am
14 February 2025 - EOI Applications close 3pm AEDT sharp
Week commencing 10 March 2025 - Anticipated EOI outcome
17 March 2025 - Full Grant applications open 10am
28 March 2025 - Full Grant applications close 3pm AEDT sharp
May 2025 - Application outcomes advised
July 2025 – 30 June 2027 - Project delivery timeframes
Eligible organisations can submit only one EOI through SmartyGrants from 20 January to 14 February 2025. You will receive an automated email via SmartyGrants when Women NSW receives your EOI.
A submitted EOI in written form, can be reopened upon request until 14 February 2025. To reopen an EOI, email
We recommend applicants submit forms in SmartyGrants at least two hours prior to the deadline to ensure any required documents upload properly. Late EOI applications will not be accepted.
Note: If you are a new applicant to SmartyGrants, you will need to register and create a password. If you are already registered, you can log in with your existing username and password.
Apply now
After the application is submitted
Successful applications will be decided by: NSW Minister for Women
This is an open and competitive grants program. Applicants will be assessed and scored against the criteria. Applications with the highest scores are more likely to be funded.
All applications are assessed through the staged process as outlined below:
Stage One – Expression of Interest Application Assessment
EOIs are initially reviewed by Women NSW staff to ensure compliance with mandatory eligibility criteria and alignment with the focus community. Any EOI deemed ineligible will not proceed to the next stage of the assessment.
EOIs will then be shortlisted according to the assessment criteria. Due to the competitive nature of the SWIB grants, not all EOIs that meet the assessment criteria will be shortlisted. The top ranking EOIs will be invited to submit a full grant application.
Stage Two – Full Grant Application Assessment
All submitted full grant applications will be assessed individually by members of the Assessment Panel against assessment criteria and given a score. Applications will then be ranked according to the total scores.
The panel will consist of qualified and experienced representatives and will include Women NSW and other relevant NSW Government representatives and an independent panel member who identifies as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander.
Stage Three – Assessment Panel recommendations
The assessment panel will meet and discuss all full grant applications. The assessment panel will then make their recommendations to the final decision maker, the Minister for Women for approval.
Anticipated assessment outcome date is May 2025
Support and contact
If you have any questions about the Grants, please contact Women NSW at
For queries about the online grant management system, Smarty Grants, please contact the support team at:
- Email:
- Phone: (03) 9320 6888
Available to help Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm (Australian Eastern Daylight Time).