The Local Sport Grant Program aims to increase regular and on-going participation opportunities in sport in NSW.
Key information
- Status: Closed
- Grant amount: From $2,000 to $20,000
- Application opened: 23 October 2023
- Application closed: 27 November 2023, 1:00 pm
Program objective
The key objectives of the Program align to the Office of Sport Strategic Plan with the specific objectives to:
- Increase regular and on-going participation in sport.
- Increase participation opportunities for under-represented groups including women and girls, people from culturally and linguistically diverse communities, people with disability, First Nations peoples and LGBTQIA+ people.
- Reduce barriers and improve access to participation in sport.
- Assist sport clubs to provide quality experiences to their members and meet community needs.
- Increase financial sustainability and improve facilities of community level sporting clubs.
Applications must clearly demonstrate an identified need for the project and articulate how the project outcomes will be achieved. Specifically, applications should demonstrate how the project will address at least one of the above objectives.
This program is administered by Department of Creative Industries, Tourism, Hospitality and Sport.
This program is funded by Office of Sport.
Who can apply
Incorporated, not-for-profit grassroots sport clubs and associations whose primary focus is to organise sporting activities; deliver on-going sporting programs; and/or develop member’s skills (see Appendix A for full list of eligible sports).
Applications from Licenced Sporting Clubs may be considered provided the project directly benefits the sport, not the administration processes of the licenced club or upgrades of the licenced premises.
Applications may be considered from sports organisations or clubs associated with a school, church or university providing they are a not-for-profit club incorporated in their own right.
Eligible applicants with an ABN must ensure that the incorporation details and ABN details are for the same organisation. Where this information has not been provided in the application the Office of Sport reserves the right to seek clarification from the applicant with a view to remedying the eligibility requirement or may set the application aside from further consideration.
Who the grant is targeted towards
Incorporated, not-for-profit grassroots sport clubs and associations whose primary focus is to organise sporting activities; deliver on-going sporting programs; and/or develop member’s skills
Types of projects funded under this grant
To be considered eligible, the project must be submitted through the Office of Sport SmartyGrants website. Any projects which are not submitted through this website may be set aside from further consideration at the absolute discretion of the Office of Sport.
Eligible projects include but are not limited to:
Projects that contribute to quality sporting experiences:
- Training programs that will lead to volunteer coaches, officials and club administrators gaining required education and accreditation, e.g., a club could apply for funds to run a coach accreditation course.
- Facilitation of programs that will increase the interest and skill level of players/participants within the community e.g., a series of ‘come-and-try’ days or engaging a specialist skills coach for a one-off/limited session/event.
- Projects that improve a club’s community presence and their ability to communicate with existing participants/members, e.g., upgrade or develop a new website for the club.
- Promotional materials and/or items that are related to promoting your programs or club to increase registrations, e,g., flyers and/or online promotions, development of a communication plan or paid advertising.
- Requests for the cost of equipment required for training and/or playing sport or technology directly related to delivering the sport e.g., microphones, speakers, video technology and/or umpire technology to assist the delivery and development of your sport.
Improve access to sporting events by reducing barriers to participation:
- Events that promote participation in sport and physical activity and provide a focal point for community building and engagement, e.g., a club could host a specific event/tournament within their community. An event must be conducted on a specified day or consecutive days at a specified location.
- Events that primarily involve sporting competition or mass participation in an organised sport, e.g., an exhibition sporting match, hosting a gala day, regional or state championships.
- Regional clubs host a sporting event that attracts tourists and visitors to the region.
- Subsidise event registration for teams to attend a one-off competition within NSW.
- Subsidised travel costs to assist teams to travel from rural/ remote areas to participate in competition located more than 100km from their home ground or subsidised travel for specialist coaches to travel to rural/remote areas.
Travel interstate will only be considered for clubs close to state borders where access to competition is not available within a reasonable distance in NSW, e.g., hire of a bus for weekly competition at away ground games.
An event does not include regular on-going weekly/monthly sporting competition/activities.
The event date must be included in the application. Events are not to be scheduled prior to May 2024.
Create, upgrade or repair sports facilities:
- Enhance existing facilities, e.g., upgrades to create universally designed amenities, canteens, installation of watering systems, solar panels, safety netting, lighting, installed electronic scoreboards or upgrade of playing surfaces.
- Provide ancillary facilities at established facilities, e.g., fixed or non-fixed sun protection shelters, goals or goal posts, grandstands.
- Buying or upgrading non-fixed equipment, that is directly related to the delivery of the sport, e.g., line markers and non-fixed scoreboards.
Projects in this category must have Development Approval (DA) consent from the relevant Council, or can demonstrate that such approval is not required, and have evidence of landowner’s consent.
When the project can start and end
The project must be completed by 31 October 2025.
Outcomes for projects funded under this grant
- Increase regular and on-going participation in sport.
- Increase participation opportunities for under-represented groups including women and girls, people from culturally and linguistically diverse communities, people with disability, First Nations peoples and LGBTQIA+ people.
- Reduce barriers and improve access to participation in sport.
- Assist sport clubs to provide quality experiences to their members and meet community needs.
- Increase financial sustainability and improve facilities of community level sporting clubs.
Who can’t apply
Ineligible applicants are any organisation types not listed in the ‘Eligible Applicants’ section, and include (but are not limited to):
- Individuals, groups of individuals and unincorporated organisations.
- Incorporated not-for-profit organisations that are not associated with a sport listed at Appendix A.
- Clubs whose activities are considered to be of a recreational nature e.g., e-sports/online, remote/radio-controlled activities, fishing.
- State Sporting Organisations.
- National Sporting Organisations.
- Regional Academies of Sport.
- For profit, commercial organisations.
- Organisations limited by shares.
- Government departments and agencies.
- Educational institutions including schools and their Parents and Citizens (P&C’s), Universities, TAFE, Colleges and childcare centres.
- Local Government Authorities operating under the Local Government Act, 1993.
- Local Government Committees.
- PCYCs/YMCA/Scouts/Girl Guides/Surf Life Saving Clubs or Branches.
An eligible organisation will also be deemed not eligible for funding under this program if they are an organisation named: (i) by the National Redress Scheme for Institutional Child Sexual Abuse on its list of institutions that have not joined or signified their intent not to join the Scheme; or (ii) in the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse that has not yet joined the National Redress Scheme.
Types of projects not funded under this grant
The Local Sport Grant Program will not fund the following projects or project components:
- Operational costs e.g., staff/coach wages and administration costs that relate to the running of the club/organisation.
- Subsidised registrations for players, for regular and on-going (weekly, monthly) competitions.
- Accommodation, food/catering and travel (except where specified as eligible above).
- Appearance fees, prize money and trophies/medals, trophy cabinets.
- Presentation days / AGM / celebration functions etc.
- Medical equipment (e.g., defibrillators, first aid).
- Private or commercial ventures.
- Events that are organised for the primary purpose of fundraising, including charity fundraising events.
- Individual scholarships/sponsorships.
- Insurance of any type (player, public liability, general liability, etc).
- Retrospective funding e.g., projects that have already commenced and/or purchases completed prior to application submission.
- Purchase or rental of land or premises; vehicles; office equipment (e.g., office furniture, television, computers, iPads, printers, photocopiers etc.).
- Projects not based in NSW.
- Subsidy for school sporting activities and events.
Organisations may only receive NSW Government funding once for the same project or same component of a project from this Program or any other State Government funded grant program. Where the project or components of the project have been funded from any other State Government funded grant program, the Office of Sport reserves the right to not award funding to the project.
Project budgets should not include any ineligible costs and these will be removed by assessors if included, at the absolute discretion of the Office of Sport.
Example projects
Website development
- A regional sports club requests $6,000 to contribute to the upgrade and modernisation of its website to allow for online booking and other improvements. Its current website has not been updated for several years and is difficult and unappealing to navigate.
- A proportion of the funding will go toward website design and in particular the addition of images demonstrating the range of diversity of the club’s actual membership (the current site only shows images of able-bodied, Caucasian people and predominantly men and boys).
- A strong case is made by the applicant that the modernisation of the site will broaden the appeal of the club and promote participation and sporting activity within the wider community.
- The application includes detailed quotes from appropriate providers, a clear itemised budget, evidence of the source of any other funding required to complete the project and a realistic timeline for when the new site will be live.
Community outreach event
- A local sports club based in a multicultural area is keen to engage with their wider community and encourage participation particularly from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities. They request $5,000 to support the cost of running a series of ‘come-and-try’ days.
- Evidence is provided that the club has already engaged directly with key stakeholder groups (CALD community groups in the area) prior to the application to ensure there is sufficient interest in the project and that the needs of participants are met.
- Funding is requested for multi-lingual publicity material designed to reach the intended audience in the wider community and participation incentives such as a football or similar item related to the sport. All costs are clearly budgeted and supported by quotes for each element.
Team uniforms and equipment
- A community sport club wants to create two new female teams for women and girls, however they currently have no equipment in order to do so. They request $4,000 for the purchase of new uniforms, balls and cones.
- The club currently has few women and girls’ teams and strong evidence is provided of the interest of women and girls to participate if the teams were created.
- The application details clearly that the purchase of this equipment is only possible through the funding provided by the grant.
Most recent recipients
What your application needs to include
Prepare your application with this checklist
You will need to prepare these documents to upload to your application:
- Applicant organisation incorporation details
- Current participation/membership data
- Recent (within 3-6 months) quotes to verify project expenditure, which align to the information provided in your project budget.
- Evidence confirming all financial co-contribution sources (where applicable).
- Development approval, application, or exemption (where applicable).
- Approval from landowner for project to proceed or where the applicant is the landowner, evidence to demonstrate this (where applicable). This must be on the Office of Sport template – see “Available supporting documents”. This is not required for projects involving purchase of non-fixed items.
- Letters from other organisations that indicate how they will either support or benefit from the project.
Address the eligibility criteria
Each applicant, as part of an application response, must confirm that they meet the eligibility criteria.
Applicants that do not address the eligibility criteria in full may be excluded from the application process at the department's discretion.
Address the assessment criteria
Criterion 1: Strategic justification (30%)
- Describe how this project aligns to the objectives of this Program.
- Explain how the project will lead to increased participation in sport within your community.
- Demonstrate how the project will contribute to an increase in sport participation for the following groups:
- Women and girls
- People with disability
- First Nations peoples
- People from culturally and linguistically diverse communities.
- LGBTQIA+ people.
- Demonstrate how the project seeks to sustain sports participation within the community beyond the end of the grant period.
Criterion 2: Scope and deliverables (25%)
- Describe clearly what the project is and what the key deliverables/outputs will be.
- Demonstrate how the proposed project will meet and fulfil an identifiable need within your community.
Criterion 3: Value for money (25%)
- Provide a clear project budget. The budget should clearly identify the project costs and revenues (if and financial co-contribution will be made).
- Provide evidence to support budgeted costs and revenues, e.g., quotes.
- Demonstrates co-contribution and provides evidence of approval for committed funding co-contribution(s) where relevant. Applications with financial co-contributions will be scored favourably.
Criterion 4:Project deliverability and applicant capability (20%)
- Provide a project plan that illustrates key project tasks and milestones and forecast delivery timeline which is aligned to grant timeframe.
- List any assumptions, constraints, and dependencies in delivering the project.
- Demonstrate proven experience in delivering similar size projects.
- Provide evidence of Development Application approval (if required) or demonstrate that a Development Application is not required.
- Provide Landowners Consent – using the Office of Sport template (if required)
- Applicant organisation meets key reporting and acquittal obligations for previous Office of Sport funded projects.
Start the application
Check your eligibility
- See Eligible Applicants section of these Guidelines to see which organisations can apply for funding.
- If you are not eligible, you can partner with an eligible organisation, although they will need to be the applicant organisation and submit the application.
Understand the requirements
- Before you apply, please read these guidelines and related materials including the application checklist to make sure you understand all relevant requirements, including whether you are eligible to apply.
- You can find the relevant information on the Office of Sport’s website: Local Sport Grant Program | NSW Government.
Prepare your application
- Gather your evidence including letters of support, funding commitments, development approvals/exemptions, landowners consent, images/plans, quotes, participation data etc.
- To submit a complying application all mandatory fields must be completed, and mandatory support documents must be uploaded and submitted.
- SmartyGrants offers a tool SmartyFile that allows organisations to collaborate with team members, pre-fill information into forms and manage, view, search and sort submissions across multiple funders in one spot. Applicants with an ABN can use this function.
- For questions relating to the grants program or for specific assistance with the SmartyGrants system, email the Office of Sport Grants Unit at or call 13 13 02 during standard office hours.
Submit your application
- Applying for a grant is a simple process using the SmartyGrants platform.
- The Office of Sport recommends that applicants familiarise themselves with the online application form ahead of preparing the application and plan to submit ahead of the closing date to reduce the risk of missing the deadline.
- Complete your application by filling in each of the sections.
- Upload all required supporting documentation.
- Submit your application before the closing date and time.
- Projects must be submitted through the SmartyGrants website to be considered eligible.
- Successful submissions will be issued with a SmartyGrants system generated acknowledgement email containing a PDF copy of the application which will confirm the time the application was submitted.
Note: If you are a new applicant to SmartyGrants, you will need to register and create a password. If you are already registered, you can log in with your existing username and password.
Apply now
After the application is submitted
Successful applications will be decided by: Minister for Sport
The Local Sport Grant Program is administered by the Office of Sport in two stages:
- Eligibility check.
- Merit assessment.
Throughout the assessment process the Office of Sport may request additional information from the applicant.
An independent probity advisor, O’Connor Marsden & Associates (OCM) will support the management of the grant process.
The Minister for Sport will consider the recommendations and make decisions relating to the approval of funding.
Anticipated assessment outcome date is April 2024 onwards
Anticipated date for funding deed execution with successful applicants is within 2 weeks of notification of successful outcomes
Support and contact
Sports Grants Unit