Key information
- Status: Closed
- Grant amount: $0-850,000 - Individual funding is determined on a case-by-case basis based on the Qualifying NSW Production Expenditure (QNSWPE).
- Application opened: 14 October 2024
- Application closed: 11 November 2024, 5:00 pm
Program objective
The purpose of funding is to maximise cultural and economic benefits to the state by supporting NSW screen practitioners to create new intellectual property that assists them to realise commercially sustainable businesses and grow the NSW screen sector.
The objectives of the Program are to fund exceptional quality, diverse and engaging fiction and non-fiction screen content that will:
- Generate employment and economic activity for NSW
- Make a contribution to Australian culture and storytelling, nationally and internationally
- Grow the number and size of NSW production companies and provide increased opportunities for NSW key creatives
- Meet the objectives of Screen NSW‘s diversity commitment.
This program is administered by Screen NSW.
Who can apply
Please see the Screen NSW website for the full Program Guidelines.
The applicant must fulfil one of the following:
- Be an Australian company based in NSW and actively operating in NSW for at least six months prior to the funding application, meeting at least a minimum level of NSW spend of 50% of total production costs; or
- Be an Australian company not based in NSW in a genuine co-production arrangement with a NSW production company and/or the project is created by a NSW creative or is substantially driven by NSW key creatives; or
- Be a non-NSW based Australian Company, meeting at least a minimum level of NSW spend of 80% of total production costs. Please note, if you are a non-NSW based company, strong consideration will be given to the level of spend in NSW (and must at least meet the minimum expenditure threshold of 80%) and number of NSW key creatives. Where rounds are competitive, preference will usually be given to NSW applicants. Please speak to an Investment Manager before applying.
The 50/80% requirement above will not apply, if any of the following circumstances are met:
- Where the eligible NSW Spend is at least $5 million
- Where the below-the-line eligible NSW post-production spend is at least $3 million.
- Where a producer intends to conduct 100% of the project’s post-production in NSW with NSW-based post-production personnel. (Please see definition of 100% Post Production requirements and Allowable Post Exclusions in the Screen NSW Glossary to confirm your eligibility).
The applicant must also fulfil all of the following:
- Have a production budget of less than $20,000,000
- Have at least one NSW based Key Creative
- Be compliant with our Terms of Trade
- Maintain ownership or control of the rights necessary (or have shared ownership and/or joint control of copyright under a co-production arrangement) to carry out the project that is the subject of the application (including having ownership or control of any relevant copyright and appropriate clearances from all significant participants).
Types of projects funded under this grant
This project must:
- Have Significant Australian Content (SAC). SAC is evidenced by a Provisional Producer Offset Certificate or official co-production certification. For more details on the SAC test see here.
- Be fully financed at the time of application (other than the contribution from Screen NSW, or contributions that are being considered concurrently by other similar State or Commonwealth agencies).
- Be substantially ready to go into production and (with the exception of Creative Interactive Online Screen content) and have marketplace commitments (please see Market Attachments below) and accord with Screen Australia’s appropriate presales or licence fees.
- Not have commenced official pre-production before the date of application. Screen NSW does not fund retrospectively. Documentary projects with time critical filming issues may still be considered – applicants must contact the Screen Investment team before applying to confirm this exception.
- With the exception of development expenditure and, where agreed by Screen NSW, expenditure on documentary projects with legitimate time critical aspects, only expenditure incurred after the Application has been submitted will be recognised as eligible for funding.
- Have completed principal photography and be able to demonstrate a post-production path to delivery and audience if the application is for post-production funding.
- Reflect diversity in the creative team, relevant to the content genre, format, platform, storylines, characters, and target audience. More details on Screen NSW’s expectations on diversity and inclusion can be found in our Diversity Commitment section below.
- Fulfil necessary requirements for Authenticity (See Creating authentic screen content on Screen NSW’s website)
- Be compliant with one of the Eligible Project formats noted below:
- Features – fiction
- Documentary (documentary television, features or online and series with a total minimum duration of a commercial half hour) that meet the definition of a ‘documentary program’ under the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) Documentary guidelines
- Series – television drama and narrative comedy, including miniseries
- Animation series
- Creative Interactive online screen content Digital – Series, interactive or XR intended for public access on a screen-based device.
What your application needs to include
Prepare your application with this checklist
As part of your application, you will need to provide the following documents:
- Completed SmartyGrants application.
- A copy of the project finance plan:
- If the finance plan for a project includes Screen Australia finance, evidence that Screen Australia is concurrently considering the project for finance, or Screen Australia’s finance has already been confirmed.
- Written evidence that reflects the proposed finance plan by way of signed Deal Memos/Letters of Offer/Short or Long Form Agreements that need to specify the commercial terms and the level of financial commitment to the project.
- If the finance plan includes finance from overseas, then the producer must provide Screen NSW with written assurances about how they will deal with any currency fluctuations,
- For projects accessing the Producer Offset, a copy of the Provisional Certificate for the Producer Offset or a copy of the completed application form for the Producer Offset and distribution and broadcast agreements that meet the criteria for public exhibition in relation to the Producer Offset,
- If the application is based on an underlying work, evidence that an appropriate option is in place and current.
- Evidence that allowances for production attachments within the production budget.
- Other documents as outline in Program Guidelines.
Address the eligibility criteria
Each applicant, as part of an application response, must confirm that they meet the eligibility criteria.
Applicants that do not address the eligibility criteria in full may be excluded from the application process at the department's discretion.
Start the application
Screen NSW uses the SmartyGrants platform for submission of all applications. Applications made using any other format will not be accepted. Please note you will receive a SmartyGrants acknowledgement of submission.
Please see here to see dates for upcoming Production Finance rounds.
Note: If you are a new applicant to SmartyGrants, you will need to register and create a password. If you are already registered, you can log in with your existing username and password.
Apply now
After the application is submitted
Successful applications will be decided by: Secretary, Department of Creative Industries, Tourism, Hospitality and Sport, or their financial delegate.
Stage 1
Eligible applications will be assigned to a Screen Investment Manager to undertake an assessment against the Assessment Criteria and present the project to the Screen Investment Committee. The Screen Investment Committee is comprised of the Screen Investment Team, the Senior Screen Investment Manager, and the Head of Screen NSW. An independent probity advisor may also be engaged to attend meetings as appropriate.
Where considered appropriate, the Screen Investment Team may seek external industry specialists to undertake assessments or provide external reports to help inform decision-making. For example, where a project has elements that require the consideration of diversity, Screen NSW may seek advice from an independent expert.
Projects requiring a First Nations assessment will be assessed with reference to Screen Australia’s Pathways & Protocols: A filmmaker’s Guide To Working With Indigenous People, Culture and Concepts ( by an external First Nations consultant.
The Screen Investment Committee will shortlist projects for progression to Stage 2 of the assessment process based on outcomes of this assessment.
Stage 2
Shortlisted applications will be considered by the Film and Television Advisory Committee (FTIAC) at the next available meeting. Details on the membership of the FTIAC are available here, and meetings dates are published here.
The FTIAC will consider all applications shortlisted by the Screen Investment Committee, including any external reports prepared, and the available budget.
They will consider the assessment criteria, distribution, range and scale of the applications. This may include prioritising applications and activities with outcomes that better meet the Program objectives or address and ensure equity and the best outcomes for NSW Government investment.
The FTIAC may also recommend a funding amount that is less than that requested in the application.