Dorrigo Escarpment great walk

Image copyright
Andrew Turbill/DCCEEWWhat’s this about?
The Dorrigo Escarpment great walk is a proposed 4-day walking track which will start at the new Dorrigo Arc Rainforest Centre in Dorrigo National Park and finish at the Bindarray picnic area in Bindarri National Park.
The review of environmental factors documents the environmental impact assessment of the proposed activities to construct and operate the new multi-day walk with hiker camps, bridges and lookouts. It examines the significance of likely environmental impacts of the proposal and details the measures required to mitigate adverse impacts to natural, cultural and social values.
The NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service invites you to read the review and associated reports and make a submission if you have any additional information, identify any errors, or have any comments about potential environmental impacts or recommended mitigation measures.
A submission that clearly and concisely explains the specific matters it raises, with reference to the relevant section of the document, will be the most effective way to contribute.
Public exhibition of the review of environmental factors is your opportunity to identify ways to improve what is proposed.
Have your say
Have your say by Monday 24 February 2025.
You can provide feedback in 4 ways.
Online consultation
Dorrigo Escarpment great walk review of environmental factors: public consultation
Postal submission
Address: NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service Project Team, Dorrigo Escarpment Great Walk, PO Box 170, Dorrigo NSW 2453
Address: Dorrigo Rainforest Centre, 142 Dome Road, Dorrigo
Consultation period
More information
Email: Project team
Phone: 02 9995 5000
Agency Website
Consultation Website
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