COVID-19 vaccination for children
Find out more about COVID-19 vaccination recommendations for children aged 6 months to 17 years.
Find an appointment
Find and book an appointment for your child's COVID-19 vaccination using the Healthdirect Service Finder.
For help to make a COVID-19 vaccination appointment, you can call Healthdirect on 1800 022 222
Find answers to questions about your child’s vaccination appointment.
COVID-19 vaccines and doses for children aged 6 months and older
The type of vaccine, number of doses and timing between doses recommended for your child will depend on their age and whether they are at higher risk of severe illness from COVID-19.
Speak to your child’s doctor or vaccination provider about COVID-19 vaccinations for your child. Further information is also available from the Australian Government about COVID-19 vaccines for children aged 6 months and older.
If your child has already had COVID-19
It is possible to catch COVID-19 more than once. Children who have had a confirmed COVID-19 infection are still recommended to be vaccinated after their infection if eligible. Vaccination is likely to increase their protection more than infection alone.
Speak to your child’s doctor or vaccination provider to determine when your child should receive their vaccination after a confirmed COVID-19 infection.
Talking to children about COVID-19 vaccination
Parents and carers are encouraged to talk to children about what to expect when they get vaccinated.
This video has been developed to help children understand why getting a COVID-19 vaccination can help to keep them healthy, and to help reduce their fear that getting vaccinated will be painful.

COVID-19 vaccination for your child
Read transcriptA virus is something that can make people sick. By being brave, we can help defeat a virus, you probably know, it's a virus called COVID-19. To try to stop people from catching and getting sick from COVID-19, we've all had to make some changes. We wash our hands more, wear a mask, and we stay home if we're not feeling well. Now there's a way to help stop people getting sick from COVID-19. It's called a vaccine. You've probably had a few before for things like chickenpox. A vaccine is a medicine that helps protect you and the people you love from viruses. It helps teach your body how to fight the virus, so you don't get sick. Just like a superpower. Getting a vaccine, it's super quick. Some kids say they don't feel it. Some say it's like a little sting. And some say it hurts a bit. Tell your nurse or doctor how it felt for you. If you want to you can sit on a grownup's lap to get your vaccine and have a hug. Or you can even watch a favourite song or show. It's okay to feel a bit worried. That will be over before you know it. And then you'll feel super brave for helping protect everyone from COVID-19. Let's do this.
For a video in your language, the Australian Government have developed a short video for kids aged 5 to 11 that explains what COVID-19 is and what to expect when getting a vaccine.
Consent is required from a parent or guardian for a child to receive a COVID-19 vaccination. This consent will need to be provided at booking and at the vaccination appointment.
If a parent or guardian is unable to attend the vaccination appointment, a nominated accompanying adult can be identified during the booking process.
Questions and further information
If you are concerned about vaccination and the potential effect on your child’s existing health conditions, speak to their doctor.
If you have questions or need further information about COVID-19 or COVID-19 vaccines:
- call Healthdirect on 1800 022 222 for 24-hour health advice, 7 days a week
- visit COVID-19 vaccines