Take your career further
Working in the criminal justice system requires specialised training for all staff across our health service. Health professionals, managers, administrative and support staff are all actively encouraged to participate in development programs and activities.
We coordinate a program of internal and external learning and development opportunities to assist staff and managers in identifying and planning their professional development.
Graduate Nurse Programs
Justice Health NSW provides multiple Graduate Nurse Programs for newly qualified registered nurses in various pathways:
- Custodial Health Services - Metropolitan Program
- Custodial Health Services - Rural Program
- Custodial Health Services - Exchange Programs: available between Western NSW Local Health District, Mid North Coast Local Health District or FarWest Local Health District
- Mental Health Program (metropolitan area only)
Each pathway offers an opportunity for newly qualified registered nurses to work in a
supportive environment alongside clinical experts who are eager to assist in your professional development.
The programs enable graduate nurses to provide world class health care to adults and adolescents who come in contact with the justice system.
Graduate nurses can experience working in a range of unique settings including:
- custodial health centres
- forensic mental health in patient hospitals
- The Forensic Hospital
- specialised mental health units within custodial settings
- community
- discharge planning services.
Program details
This is a structured program with a comprehensive orientation, paid ongoing education workshops, and reflective supervision supported by the clinical experts in the specialist areas.
You'll be provided with an opportunity to provide value based, quality care to vulnerable populations, receiving:
- a gateway to a unique and rewarding career with many opportunities for professional development and career advancement
- a supportive environment that assists graduate nurses transition to the workplace and develop as safe and confident practitioners and clinicians
- a comprehensive orientation program
- core study days and mandatory training
- clinical rotations, dependent on the allocated facility
- access to reflective clinical supervision
- clinical support and education from clinical nurse educators and experienced specialty clinicians.
Candidates applying to the Custodial Health Graduate Programs will have an opportunity to request their preferred location.
Metropolitan Graduate Program
Positions are offered at the following locations:
- Long Bay Complex, Malabar
- Silverwater Complex, Silverwater
- Francis Greenway Complex, Windsor
- Adolescent Centre, Cobham
Rural Graduate Program
Positions are available across NSW in the following areas:
- Hunter/Central Coast
- Mid North Coast
- Central West
- Central Western Slopes
- Southern Tablelands
- South Coast
Exchange Graduate Program
Positions are available across NSW in the following areas:
- Mid North Coast
- Central West
- Far West
Program dates
All programs commence in February annually.
A midyear program commences in July annually for Custodial Health Metropolitan and Rural programs.
How to apply
February intake
Applications for the February intake are accepted through the NSW Nursing and Midwifery Office (NaMO) centralised recruitment website.
To be guaranteed an interview, select JHFMHN – Custodial Health (specific program) as your first preference in your application.
Midyear intake
Apply for midyear program positions and for unfilled February program positions on the I Work for NSW website. Advertising takes place between December – April.
Interviews are held via Microsoft Teams.
For more information email: jhfmhn-nursingandmidwiferyoffice@health.nsw.gov.au or call (02) 9700 2172.
Program details
Our Mental Health Graduate Nurse Program will provide you with:
- a gateway to a unique and rewarding career with many opportunities for professional development and career advancement
- a supportive environment that assists graduate nurses transition to the workplace and develop as safe and confident clinicians
- a comprehensive orientation program including 5 supernumerary shifts
- 12 education days including specifically designed mental health workshops
- 3 rotations with opportunities in adolescents, acute female, and acute rehabilitation male units as well as specialised mental health areas within custodial settings
- regular reflective clinical supervision
- clinical support and education from clinical nurse educators and experienced specialty clinicians
- two allocated preceptors during each rotation
- gain specialised clinical skills including venepuncture, de-escalation, assessments, emergency responses.
Program Locations
Mental Health Graduate Nurse Program positions are offered at the following locations:
- The Forensic Hospital
- Long Bay Complex, Malabar
- Silverwater Complex, Silverwater
Programs Dates
Intakes commence at the end of February annually, and a midyear program may run from July 2024.
How to apply
February intake
Applications for the February intake are accepted through the NSW Nursing and Midwifery Office (NaMO) centralised recruitment website.
To be guaranteed an interview, select JHFMHN – Mental Health (specific program) as your first preference in your application.
Midyear intake
Apply for midyear program positions and for unfilled February program positions on the I Work for NSW website. Advertising takes place between January – May.
Interviews can be either virtual or face-to-face.
For more information email: jhfmhn-nursingandmidwiferyoffice@health.nsw.gov.au or call (02) 9700 2288.
Program details
The Custodial Health Transition Enrolled Nurse (EN) Program provides support to enrolled nurses year 2-5, who are transitioning to Justice Health NSW for the first time. The Graduate Enrolled Nurse Program is designed to support enrolled nurses year 1 who have completed their learning and are entering the clinical workforce for the first time since graduating. This combined program offers a range of experiences in custodial health clinics across NSW. We offer the following programs:
- Custodial Health- Metropolitan program
- Custodial Health- Rural Program
Our Program provides the following:
- An opportunity for newly Graduated Enrolled Nurses or Existing EN1 – EN5 to transition into a primary heath custodial setting.
- A supportive environment that assists Graduated Enrolled Nurses or Existing EN1 – EN5 to the workplace and develop as safe and confident clinicians.
- A comprehensive orientation program alongside Graduate Registered Nurses.
- Core study days and mandatory training targeted for Enrolled Nurses.
- Clinical rotations, dependent on the allocated facility.
- Access to reflective clinical supervision.
- Clinical support and education from clinical nurse educators and experienced specialty clinicians.
- Allocated preceptors during each rotation.
Candidates applying to the Custodial Health Transition and Graduate Enrolled Nurse Programs will have an opportunity to request their preferred location.
Metropolitan Graduate Program
Positions are offered at the following locations:
- Long Bay Complex, Malabar
- Silverwater Complex, Silverwater
- Francis Greenway Complex, Windsor
Rural Graduate Program
Positions are available across NSW in the following areas:
- Hunter/Central Coast
- Mid North Coast
- Central West
- Central Western Slopes
- Southern Tablelands
- South Coast
Program dates
All programs commence in February and July annually.
How to apply
To apply for the February or July program positions go to I Work for NSW website. Advertising takes place between December - June.
Interviews are held via Microsoft Teams.
For more information email: jhfmhn-nursingandmidwiferyoffice@health.nsw.gov.au or call (02) 9700 3554.
Masters of Forensic Mental Health
The University of New Soth Wales offers a Masters of Mental Health where students can learn the theoretical and practical aspects of criminal, civil, child and family forensic mental health sub-specialties.
Masters of Custodial Health
The University of Newcastle offers you the opportunity to tailor your studies to your specialist area of custodial health while building your knowledge with a strong social justice philosophy.
Graduate Certificate in Custodial Health
Gain advanced specialist knowledge and skills, specific to the health needs of people in touch with the criminal justice system.
Student Clinical Placements

Justice Health NSW aims to break down barriers to clinical training within high secure forensic and custodial environments for undergraduate health professionals.
The Student Placement Program co-ordinates clinical placements of all undergraduate students across Justice Health NSW. The program has been developed in consultation with education providers to help students experience a range of clinical experiences that enhance their educational understanding of health care in custodial settings.
These placements offer an opportunity to participate in a multidisciplinary team in custodial, community and forensic mental health environments.
A valid Student Placement Agreement and Operational Schedule between Justice Health NSW and the Education Provider are required before students can attend placements.
All placements are booked through ClinConnect, which is a web-based application that supports Local Health Districts and the Education Provider to facilitate and manage clinical training demand and capacity. The ClinConnect Coordinator for Justice Health NSW is the Student Placement Coordinator.
Contact us
All enquiries regarding student placement should be directed via email to JHFMHN-StudentPlacements@health.nsw.gov.au.
Clinical supervision
Clinical supervision is a support strategy designed to promote the professional development of Justice Health NSW staff. Clinical supervision ensures that our staff practice in a competent, accountable and ethical manner. It is also an opportunity for staff to reflect on their work practice with another trained professional. Sessions are scheduled at a mutually agreed time, usually monthly.
The aim of clinical supervision is to facilitate a formal process of professional support and learning which enables individuals to develop knowledge and competence and assume responsibility for their own practice. Justice Health NSW promotes quality patient care and we maintain that quality by encouraging and supporting skilled, competent and committed staff, dedicated to continuous professional development.
Workforce Development Coordinator, Aboriginal Health Unit
Email: JHFMHN-AboriginalWorkforce@health.nsw.gov.au
Contact Justice Health NSW Recruitment
Email: JHFMHN-Talent@health.nsw.gov.au
Post: PO Box 150, Matraville NSW 2036
Phone:(02) 9700 3000