A financial management order is issued by a court or tribunal to appoint someone to make financial and legal decisions on behalf of a person who lacks decision-making capacity. NSW Trustee and Guardian provides support and information to help you understand how this works.

A guardian is someone appointed by a court or tribunal to make healthcare, lifestyle and medical decisions on behalf of a person who lacks capacity to do so themselves. NSW Trustee and Guardian provides information, support and resources to guide you through this process.
Supported decision-making and capacity
Supported decision-making allows you to help people with disability to make their own decisions and have control over the things that impact and are important to them. Learn about what it means to have limited capacity to make decisions and how you can support someone.

Guardianship community education sessions
NSW Trustee and Guardian provides community education sessions on guardianship across NSW, presented by our staff trained in guardianship and disability. Find out more and request a session to be held in your area.

Contact NSW Trustee and Guardian
For general enquiries, call:
- 1300 109 290 within Australia
- +61 2 9240 0702 from overseas
More options to contact us.
Between September and November, some customers will receive a survey by email, phone or post about a recent experience with us. The survey feedback will help us improve our services. Read more about these surveys in our News Section
Postal address
NSW Trustee and Guardian
Locked Bag 5115, Parramatta NSW 2124
Follow us on social media.