Planning for end of life

While a valid, complete and up to date will is vital, have you thought about appointing an Enduring Power of Attorney or Enduring Guardian?

These guides provide a checklist of the various tasks and documents involved in planning for end of life, including where you can get professional help.

Why planning is important

Planning can provide peace of mind and reduce uncertainty or potential dispute with how your affairs are managed

Learn about wills

A will is one of the most important legal documents you'll make. Find out why and what's involved

What to include in a will

Making a will is the best way to ensure your assets will be distributed according to your wishes

Enduring Power of Attorney

When you need someone to make legal and financial decisions if you do not have capacity to do so

Enduring Guardianship

What's needed to authorise someone to make lifestyle, health and medical decisions if you're unable to

If you have a life limiting illness

Information on health care options, support services and what to do if you lose the capacity to make decisions

Advance Care Directive

Informing people in advance what health care you'd like, or don't want, in case you can't make such decisions

Get professional advice

Wills and estates can be complex. Professional help can ensure your intentions are clear, complete and valid

Funeral wishes

Help reduce the stress on those grieving by writing down your wishes for your funeral or memorial service.

Access mental health support

If planning for end of life has caused you mental health concerns, there is a range of support services available

Glossary of terms

Definitions of legal terms to help guide you through the language of planning for end of life

Register to be an organ donor

Organ and tissue donation saves many lives every year.

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