Mrs Herbert, of Eugowra, brings to the position more than 30 years’ combined experience in the Australian red meat industry, in agriculture policy, research and development, and in marketing and government.
A former Central Tablelands LLS Board member, Mrs Herbert holds a Masters in Agribusiness from the University of Melbourne (2020) and has extensive committee experience, including her current work as the Grains Industry Sustainability Framework Governance Council independent chair.
Tess, with her husband Andrew, run a medium-sized feedlot for about 6,000 head of cattle outside Eugowra, around 330 kilometres from Sydney.
The family also run 2,000 sheep, breed Angus cows and some cropping.
The sixth-generation farming family recently won the 2023 Australian Farmer of the Year award.
Recently Tess has supported the strategic planning of national and local strategies, such as the Meat Industry Strategic Plan, the Australian Lot Feeders Association Strategic Plan, the Animal Health Australian Strategic Plan and the Central Tablelands Local Land Services Strategic Plan.
She also is a member of the Australian Lot Feeders Association, Cattle Australia, NSW Farmers Association, Grain Growers, as well as a graduate and member of Australian Institute of Company Directors and a graduate and fellow of the Australian Rural Leadership Foundation.
Mrs Herbert will begin her role as the Local Land Services Board Chair on 1 July 2024.
The appointment follows a competitive application process.
In line with the Local Land Services Act 2013, the term of the Board Chair is set for up to four years.
Local Land Services employs 1041 staff members who are focused on delivering quality customer services to farmers, landholders and the wider community.
LLS staff help people make better decisions about the land they manage and assist rural and regional communities to be profitable and sustainable into the future.
Key programs delivered by LLS:
Local Land Services delivered the 2023-2024 $13 million Feral Pig Program on behalf of the NSW Government in response to widespread growth in the number of feral pigs across NSW.
An additional $13.1 million was recently announced to build on the success of the Feral Pig Program, which has controlled more than 122,888 pigs since it began.
Local Land Services is currently delivering the $48.4 million Riverbank Rehabilitation Project on behalf of the NSW and Australian Governments in response to the NSW storm and high rainfall events of February and March 2021 and 2022.
Agriculture Minister Tara Moriarty said:
“Mrs Herbert brings a wealth of experience working with state and federal governments, agriculture industry groups, red meat producers, retailers, customers and non-government organisations.
“From 1 July, she will be responsible for driving the strategic direction and general policies of LLS, while working closely with the chairs of the 11 local boards.
“I congratulate Mrs Herbert on the new role and look forward to working alongside her as she ensures the continued success of Local Land Services and its role in supporting our landholders to protect, support and develop our regions.
“I also want to thank our interim Chair Bob Smith for his work and leadership during the recruitment process.”
Incoming Local Land Services Board Chair Tess Herbert said:
“As a former member of the Central Tablelands Local Land Services Board, it’s exciting to be appointed the state Board Chair because I recognise the importance of the organisation, and how the Board supports the success of Local Land Services.
“I look forward to leading the strategic direction and supporting the governance of the organisation so it can continue to make valuable, on-the-ground connections with landholders, especially as we move towards a greater focus on how we manage land.
“Local Land Services plays an important role in regional and rural NSW, and through my position in governance, I want to highlight the real value we can offer to rate payers and land managers right across the state.”