Cost of Living hub

The Cost of Living hub is here to help you make the most of your money with tips and tools, easy ways to stretch your budget, and access to trusted advice and support backed by the NSW Government.

Young couple smiling and putting coins into blue piggybank

Find NSW Government rebates and vouchers

Start by claiming all the savings you’re entitled to.

Answer the tailored questions in the Service NSW Savings Finder tool to find rebates and vouchers relevant to you.

Find rebates and vouchers a page

Family sitting around table laughing and smiling

Need help finding rebates and vouchers?

Visit a Service Centre

Our specialists can help you find and claim your savings.

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Get in touch

Call us about the Savings Finder or send us an email.

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Call Translating and Interpreting Services and ask them to ring 13 77 88.

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Hot topics


Aerial view of a junction of the Westconnex Toll Road project with a toll station
Transport, Driving and Fuel

Toll Relief Rebate

Pay more than $60 per week in tolls? Check if you can claim up to $340 cash back per week from your spending on personal toll trips.


Food leftovers in zip lock bags
Food and groceries

FoodWise meal planner

The FoodWise Meal Planner is your guide to an easy, waste-free week. Use the recipe finder to find meals you like, add them to your personalised planner and generate your shopping list ready for the week ahead.


Man and woman paying bills on a laptop
Managing money

National Debt Helpline

If you are finding it hard to keep up with all your payments, the National Debt Helpline has step-by-step guides and useful information on how to manage specific types of debts.


3 terrace houses set against a blue sky

National Rental Affordability Scheme

This scheme aims to increase the number of affordable rental homes for low- to moderate-income households. Find out how to rent a home under the scheme and get a list of approved participants in NSW.


Photo of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander grandma with grandchild in kitchen
Families and care

Child care subsidy increase

Have you checked your eligibility for the child care subsidy? The family income limit is now higher, so some families that previously were not eligible for the subsidy will now get it.


A woman driver approaches two people waiting for a lift.

Information for gig economy workers

Gig work such as ride sharing and meal delivery may offer flexibility for those needing extra cash. Make sure you understand your workplace rights as an independent contractor.


Young female pharmacist working in a pharmacy

Cheaper medicines

You may be able to get twice the medication for the cost of a single prescription under the 60-day dispensing scheme. Learn more about the scheme and see if your medicine is on the list. 

Popular tools and calculators


A man and woman in a rental property looking at a laptop

Rent Check

Rent Check allows renters, landlords and the community to quickly and easily check and compare the median rent range in any NSW postcode. Start now.


Closeup shot of someone fuelling car

Compare fuel prices

Try the NSW Government’s FuelCheck app to find the cheapest fuel based on your location and other search criteria.


Person typing on a calculator with a tiny model house next to them

Home Equity Access Scheme eligibility

Use this tool to see if you want to apply to access the equity in your home to secure a loan from the federal government.


A man holding Australian money

Money Smart income tax calculator

This calculator combines your income from multiple jobs to work out the marginal tax rate you should be paying.

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