Mr Souris said he was delighted the Premier had agreed to bring Cabinet to the Hunter region.
“This is great news for our region and will give community groups and residents a chance to have a say on issues that matter to them,” Mr Souris said.
“I’m pleased to be delivering on major infrastructure such as the funding of the Hunter Expressway, which is almost ready to be opened, and major investments in Singleton and Muswellbrook hospitals, the Golden Highway, town centres and water infrastructure.
“This is in addition to the Government’s commitment to the revitalisation of Newcastle CBD, including light rail in the CBD and potential future links with surrounding suburbs, beaches and the broader Hunter region.
Ms Parker said she was excited to bring her ministerial colleagues to Maitland.
“This is a great opportunity for residents and community groups from Maitland and the Hunter region to raise issues directly with Ministers,” Ms Parker said.
“I look forward to discussing the progress we’ve made since coming to office as well as hearing from locals on issues important to them.
“There are many important projects happening in Maitland, such as our delivery of a new Maitland Hospital, upgrades to the New England Highway and improvements to school and water infrastructure.
“Bringing the Premier and Minister’s to the region allows Maitland and Hunter residents to connect with the state’s decision-makers on important issues and help continue shape our community’s future.”
The Community Cabinet Public Forum will be held on Monday 10 February between 12:30pm and 2pm at Maitland Town Hall.
To register for the public forum, a registration form can be completed online or phone the NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet on 9228 5016.