Minister for Education and Early Childhood Learning Sarah Mitchell said the NSW Government is waiving licence fees for businesses that use school sites to assist them during the COVID-19 pandemic.
“We recognise the challenge COVID-19 may cause for operators and providers of services to our students, so we are waving fees to support the continuing viability of these organisations,” Ms Mitchell said.
“Towards the end of Term 1, schools were operating on a single unit of work model with the majority of students working from home, having a significant impact on business.
“Lease and licence fees have been frozen from that time through to end of Term 2 to provide additional support for people running these small businesses that are vital to our school communities.”
These arrangements have been backdated to the end of March to provide support since the impact of COVID-19 began impacting these businesses. This fee waiver is in line with the whole of government approach aimed at supporting small business.
Earlier this week the NSW Government announced a managed return to schools, which will include the re-opening of businesses like canteens in line with health advice. The waiver will remain to support these businesses while schools transition back to normality.