The My Community Project program is investing $24.7 million to help improve communities by making them more liveable, cultural, accessible, safe, revitalised or healthy.
Across the state’s 93 electorates, 61,437 people voted for projects that will deliver benefits in their local community and 248 projects were successful in receiving funding. Between $20,000 and $200,000 has been allocated to each project.
Community project ideas submitted included:
- 114 playground upgrades
- 317 local sporting club facilities and programs
- 556 projects to promote healthy communities
- 348 local amenities, including community halls or accessibility maps.
Projects designed to improve physical or mental health were the most popular along with family friendly projects such as a horse yard in Western NSW, which will allow parents and children to participate in local horse sports events.
A fitness trail was one of the top selections from voters in South East NSW while on the North Coast voters chose a project to introduce music performances into hospitals and in Western Sydney, voters chose a community playground with a tea garden.
Projects that did not receive funding may be eligible to apply for other NSW Government funding programs such as the Community Building Partnership fund.
Successful projects can be viewed on the Service NSW website