Holiday Break Program: Summer/Autumn 2024/2025 Guidelines
The Holiday Break program provides young people in regional NSW opportunities to connect, socialise, learn new skills, and have fun during the school holidays. It supports the delivery of free activities, including sport and recreation camps, creative, artistic, scientific activities, and more.
Holiday Break Program: Summer/Autumn 2024/25 (Program) is delivered in a streamlined model. These changes allow applicants to plan ahead for their school holiday activities and promote their activities to communities well in advance.
These Guidelines apply for the Summer/Autumn 2024/25 round.
In this model, applicants can apply to deliver activities in Summer and/or Autumn via a single application after the opening date. Successful applicants will receive one funding agreement for the Program.
There will be no single round for Autumn 2025.
One application per organisation is permitted per funding round.
Key dates are provided below and are subject to change.
Program purpose and objectives
Young people are an essential part of vibrant regional communities but often lack free opportunities for social connection in their communities with their peers. There is substantial evidence that young people thrive and develop when they can regularly participate in recreational and social activities.
Funding is available for projects which address the program objectives for Holiday Break detailed in the following table:
Program objective | Purpose of activities under this objective |
Address geographical, financial and accessibility barriers that impact the ability of young people in regional NSW to enjoy recreational and social activities within their local communities. | To remove and/or address barriers (such as lack of transport or financial means) that prevent young people from accessing recreational activities. |
Provide funding to eligible applicants to host fully subsidised recreational and social activities. | To encourage and build the capacity of eligible applicants to acknowledge and meet the recreational and social needs of regional young people. |
Deliver a program of engaging, high-quality events during the NSW school holidays. | To encourage and deliver innovative, age-appropriate (aged 12 - 24 years) activities from program applicants. |
Provide young people with a series of activities that encourage play, experimentation, reflection, and expression. | To enhance the creativity, imagination, self-confidence and self-efficacy as well as the physical, social, cognitive and emotional, strength and skills of regional young people. |
Increase access to free and local activities that designed to meet the needs and interests of children and young people aged 12-24. | To increase understanding of the social and recreational needs of regional young people and improve access to events that meet their needs. |
Program funding
The Holiday Break Program has up to $1,000,000 of funding available in 2024/25 to support young people in regional communities to access social and recreational activities.
The available funding will be allocated to eligible projects via a demand driven, eligibility-based selection process. All applications received will be time and date stamped and will be assessed in the order in which they are received (otherwise known as a ‘first in, first served’) basis until the funding round closes. The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (the department) has identified several priority youth groups for the Program and reserves the right to allocate funding to eligible applications which deliver projects to these priority groups first.
Grant amounts
Project Type | Maximum funding (GST exclusive) | Total funding available (GST exclusive) | Applications open | |
Summer Holiday Break 2024/25 | $10,000 per organisation* | $1,000,000 | 26 August 2024 | |
Autumn Holiday Break 2025 | 26 August 2024 |
* The maximum amount of funding that will be allocated to a successful applicant is $10,000. Applicants must nominate the funding amount they will allocate for each holiday period/s in their application form within the funding cap of $10,000. For example, if an applicant is submitting an application for both Summer and Autumn holiday periods, they may nominate $7,000 for the Summer program and $3,000 for the Autumn program.
* Travel loading of up to an additional $3,000 for the funding round is available for projects being delivered in remote and very remote NSW where an external supplier is required for the delivery of the program.
Co-contributions and collaborative project delivery are encouraged but not required.
Unspent funds
If the situation arises where a grant recipient’s project is completed and there are unspent funds remaining from the grant allocation, the department may require the grant recipient to return the unspent funds. If the grant recipient requests to use the funds to extend the scope of the project, the department may assess that request if it aligns to the objectives of the grant Program. The department may require the grant recipient to provide supporting information.
To create more opportunities for young people in remote and very remote NSW to attend and be able to access social and recreational events, an additional $3,000 per annual round, per organisation, may be available. These funds will be in addition to the $10,000 limit per application. A maximum of $3,000 is available for eligible organisations per annual round. Applicants can use the subsidy to engage a supplier for one or both holiday activities however a maximum of $3,000 is available per applicant.
The additional funding will support eligible travel and accommodation costs of external suppliers delivering activities for young people living in remote and very remote regions. These funds will be allocated within the total funding available for the Program. Additional criteria and evidence is required for this travel loading. See Eligible Costs for criteria and eligible local government areas (LGAs).
Young people have different needs and challenges when accessing recreational and social activities within their communities. Some experience more barriers to participation than others.
Eligible applicants are encouraged to design and deliver activities which engage one (or more) of the priority groups below:
- Aboriginal young people
- Young people that are carers
- Culturally and Linguistically Diverse young people
- Young people from a refugee background
- LGBTIQA+ young people
- Young people living with a disability
- Young people experiencing socio-economic disadvantage.
The department reserves the right to allocate funding to eligible applications which deliver projects to the priority youth groups listed above, before funding other eligible applications.
If applicants select that their activities are targeted to one or more of the priority groups above, they will be asked in their application to:
- Describe how they are going to engage with priority youth to promote their activity and encourage participation e.g. – through partnerships or referrals.
- Describe how their activity has been specifically considered or designed to consider the different needs and challenges of the priority group specified.
Where an application has been identified as meeting a priority group, but the above information has not been provided, the department reserves the right to consider the application with all other eligible applications, without having regard to the priority groups.
All applicants to the Holiday Break program must ensure activities are culturally safe, respectful, and inclusive for all young people aged 12-24 years. Lack of transport can prevent young people from participating in a Holiday Break program. All applicants are encouraged to consider including free transport to and from activities as part of their project to reduce this barrier to participation.
Successful applicants will receive one funding agreement for the Program.
Successful applicants are required to submit a signed funding agreement, invoice & supporting documents to have funding released. Funding will only be released once all supporting documentation is reviewed and approved.
Supporting documents may include but are not limited to, public liability insurance, landowner’s consent, an invoice for your approved funding (addressed to the department) and any additional approvals (if required).
Funding agreements must be signed by authorised office bearers within your organisation.
Funding agreements are considered executed once the department confirms via email that the signed agreement and all required documentation has been provided to the department.
Successful applicants will be responsible for delivering activities in accordance with the funding agreement. Applicants are permitted to reschedule the dates of planned activities within the approved holiday periods (Summer/Autumn) of the annual funding agreement, provided all activities are delivered within the school holiday periods. Funding cannot be extended (or ‘rolled over’) from one holiday period to another or extended to holiday periods outside the Program funding agreement e.g. Winter or Spring.
Eligibility criteria
There are 5 aspects to the eligibility criteria:
- An applicant must be an eligible applicant
- An eligible applicant must apply for a grant of funding for an eligible project
- An eligible project must benefit youth in an eligible project location(s)
- An eligible project must include a budget with appropriate costings or reasonable estimations
- An eligible project must meet one or more program objectives.
To be eligible for grant funding, an applicant must meet each of the following requirements:
- have an Australian Business Number (ABN)
- acknowledge that funding will only be made available to the applicant on successful execution and department approval of a Funding Agreement
- either currently hold public liability insurance of a minimum $20 million per occurrence or better self-insurance to the satisfaction of the department or confirm willingness to obtain relevant insurance prior to executing a Funding Agreement with the department.
- be one of the following:
Local Council Groups
- a local council recognised under relevant NSW legislation (excluding Greater Sydney, Wollongong and Newcastle local government areas)
- regional joint organisation of councils
- Section 355 Committees of Councils (must apply in the name of the relevant Council and must have permission to apply)
- the Lord Howe Island Board
- an unincorporated Far West group.
- not-for-profit and community organisations registered with the Australian Charities and not-for-profits Commission (ACNC)
- an association registered with NSW Fair Trading under the Associations Incorporation Act 2009.
Indigenous and Aboriginal Organisations
- a Local Aboriginal Land Council
- an Indigenous Corporation (registered under Corporations (Aboriginal and /or Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006).
Unless specifically listed above all other entities are ineligible to apply for Holiday Break funding, including but not limited to:
- Unincorporated entities
- Other Organisations (unless entity type is listed within eligible criteria as above)
- Sole traders
- Partnerships
- Individuals
- De-registered or Insolvent businesses
- Organisations that do not have an ABN or are unable to obtain an ABN
- Trusts or Trustees (unless entity type is listed within eligible applicants as above)
- State and Commonwealth Government Entities.
Where an application does not demonstrate that the applicant meets the above eligibility requirements, the department will deem the application to be ineligible and may set it aside from further consideration.
The department reserves the right to seek clarification or further information from applicants for the purpose of confirming eligibility against the above requirements, within the parameters of probity and fairness.
The department reserves the right to not award a grant to an applicant where it has outstanding acquittals from a previous program and/or where it represents greater than acceptable reputational risk to the NSW Government.
Activities funded under the Holiday Break Program must be for the benefit and attendance of young people from one or more of the 93 regional NSW LGAs (found in Appendix A).
Applications for projects for young people living in Greater Sydney, Newcastle and Wollongong are not eligible. LGAs on border locations within NSW are eligible to conduct relevant programs and activities in their neighbouring state if declared during application.
The Share Our Space website is available for applicants who are seeking venues for potential project activities. Please visit Share Our Space (SOS) for further information.
Eligible projects include social or recreational activities, events, services or programs for young people aged 12-24 years during the relevant NSW school holiday period. Projects must be age appropriate.
Examples of activities that may be eligible for such funding include but are not limited to:
- youth concerts and music events
- cooking and life skills activities
- sports and recreational activities
- creative and cultural activities
- dance / disco events
- art and theatre workshops
- outdoor activities
- sporting and sight-seeing activities
- science, technology and gaming activities.
Eligible project costs may include but are not limited to:
- Refreshments for attendees
- Entry fees and tickets
- Transport for attendees
- Consumable project supplies
- Hire of event spaces, equipment, and facilities
- Administration costs (including advertising, marketing, promotion, project insurances, reporting and completion of grant documentation) no greater than 10% of the total requested grant amount
- Staff costs (including wages, travel, meals, support workers/ activity delivery staff, project coordination staff) for the planning and delivery of the program no greater than 40% of the total requested grant amount
- Additional travel loading for suppliers travelling to remote and very remote NSW.
Ineligible project costs may include but are not limited to:
- costs related to buying or upgrading equipment or supplies not essential to the activity
- donations or commissions to third parties
- financing, including debt financing or rental costs
- rental/hire costs for equipment, venues or facilities owned by the applicant or ‘parent’ organisations or subsidiaries
- non-project related staff training and development costs
- funding for ongoing staff or operational costs beyond the scope and timeframe of the funded activity
- costs that are considered ‘business as usual’ for the organisation including superannuation and organisational insurances
- purchase of minor assets e.g. gaming consoles, laptops, mobile phones and other capital items exceeding $500
- administration costs totalling more than 10% of the requested grant amount
- staff costs totalling more than 40% of the requested grant amount.
The department has discretion to part-fund a project where some itemised project costs have been assessed as ineligible.
Please note the below inclusions for administration and staff costs administration costs (maximum 10% of requested grant amount) include:
- advertising, marketing, promotion
- project insurance
- reporting and completion of grant documentation.
Staff costs (maximum 40% of the requested grant amount)
- wages
- travel
- meals
- support workers/ activity delivery staff
- project coordination staff.
To create more opportunities for young people in remote and very remote NSW to attend and have access to social and recreational events, an additional $3,000 per organisation, per applicant is available. The additional funding will support eligible travel and accommodation costs where the applicant would be required to engage an external supplier to deliver the activities for young people living in remote and very remote regions and the external supplier is required to travel more than 180km each way to deliver an activity.
Travel loading is for external suppliers providing services to the applicant to support the delivery of Holiday Break projects. Applicants are not eligible to apply for travel loading for services provided by their own organisation as it is expected that these costs would be incorporated into funded amount being applied for, provided it is consistent with the eligible project costs set out in these Guidelines. Refer to the FAQ’s on the Holiday Break webpage for an example of where an applicant would and would not be eligible for travel loading.
Applicants in eligible LGAs can apply for the travel loading to be used in one or both school holiday periods (Summer and/or Autumn), however a maximum of $3,000 is available per applicant.
LGAs eligible for travel loading (See Appendix B) are those classified by The Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) Remoteness Structure (2021) as the majority or the entirety of the LGA categorised as remote or very remote and include:
- Balranald
- Bogan
- Bourke
- Brewarrina
- Broken Hill *classified as outer regional but eligible as a service hub for remote and very remote areas
- Carrathool
- Coonamble
- Central Darling
- Cobar
- Hay
- Lachlan
- Moore Plains
- Walgett
- Warren
- Wentworth
- Unincorporated NSW.
Travel loading is for external suppliers travelling 180km or more each way and is not claimable for ongoing or contract staff employed by the applicant. To be considered as eligible for travel loading the applicants will need to itemise these costs in their budget clearly marked as “external supplier travel” and provide the following evidence to support claims up to $3,000:
- Confirmation that the supplier will travel to the LGA to run the activity
- Accommodation and flight quotes
- Estimate of fuel costs.
Eligible travel costs for suppliers include:
- Flights
- Other modes of transport
- Accommodation
- Fuel
- Meals while travelling and delivering holiday break activities (excluding alcohol).
Applicants are ineligible to apply for travel loading for costs associated with travel requirements for their own organisation or staff required to deliver the program or for the transportation of young people to another location.
The department has discretion to part fund travel loading where evidence has not been provided or costs claimed are deemed ineligible.
Projects are not eligible for funding if they are:
- located outside an eligible LGA (see Appendix A for eligible LGAs)
- not submitted by an eligible applicant
- projects that incur costs for attendees (e.g. entry fees, club memberships and fundraising to cover these costs)
- projects that are targeted towards club members / a pre-formed group without additional invite or engagement to the wider community aged 12-24 years
- projects that are considered ‘business as usual’ for the organisation
- projects that are not directly funding the delivery of programs for young people
- for the delivery of essential or core government services that should be funded from another source such as local government, the NSW Government or the Commonwealth Government
- seeking grant funding for operational costs such as utilities, cleaning equipment, telephone, and electricity costs
- for a general works package without specific scope, costs, and location (e.g. upgrading lighting at community youth centre without identifying the work required, number of sites or the locations)
- predominantly for marketing, branding, advertising or product promotion including tourism marketing
- providing direct commercial and/or exclusive private benefit to an individual or business
- not clearly providing benefits that will significantly contribute to the objectives of the program
- the recipient of any grant funding from another NSW Government grant program for the same project
- projects that seek to solely subsidise memberships for existing services
- promote the consumption of alcohol or drugs
- pose a reputational risk to the department. The department has sole discretion in determining if activities pose a reputational risk
- include activities that are potentially high risk or dangerous, such as bull riding, sky diving, scuba diving and carnival rides. The department has sole discretion in determining if activities are potentially high risk or dangerous
- projects that are not considered age appropriate for youth aged 12 to 24 years.
Application, assessment and approval methodology
The application, assessment and approval of applications will occur as outlined below.
- Applications are submitted in accordance with the published Guidelines via the SmartyGrants online portal. Applications will be accepted at any time between the opening of the Program for Summer and/or Autumn 2024/25 on Monday 26 August 2024 and Sunday 22 September 2024.
- The department will only accept late applications received after the round closing date where it would not compromise the competitiveness and integrity of the process.
- The program is a single stage application process. Applicants will be able to view the application form once the round opens. Applications cannot be reopened or amended once submitted, unless specifically requested or approved by the Department.
- Applicants can apply to deliver activities in Summer and/or Autumn via one application after the Program opening date. Successful applicants will receive one funding agreement for the Program that covers both school holiday periods.
- Applicants can nominate the amount allocated to the holiday period they apply for. The maximum funding amount allocated per successful applicant is $10,000.
- One application per organisation is permitted.
- Joint applications by two or more organisations are not permitted.
- There will be no single rounds for 2025 or additional half-yearly rounds.
- The department reserves the right to consider or not consider applications which have not been lodged or completed in full through the SmartyGrants system at the time of lodgement.
Complete applications will proceed to eligibility assessment.
- Applications from eligible organisations will be assessed against the program eligibility criteria.
- Applicants will be considered against the eligibility criteria in the order in which they are submitted based on the time and date stamp of the application’s lodgement
- Only applications which meet the eligibility criteria may be recommended for funding, subject to the availability of funding available
- The department reserves the right to allocate funding to eligible applications which target the priority groups before funding other eligible applications.
- Recommended projects will proceed to the Department’s Deputy Secretary, Regional Development and Delivery for approval of recommended applications and provision of funding approval in accordance with the Government Sector Finance Instrument of Delegation (Secretary of Regional NSW) 2020.
- The Department will notify successful applicants via the SmartyGrants platform.
- Minister for Youth will note the successful applicants.
The decision maker for the Grant is the Deputy Secretary, Regional Development and Delivery, within the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development,
The decision maker will review the availability of grant funds and the recommendations by the assessment team before deciding which grant applications to approve for funding.
The decision maker may take other factors into account that may make an application ineligible for funding, including issues that could cause reputational or other risks to the NSW Government.
The decision maker’s decision is final in all matters, including:
- the approval of the grant
- the grant funding amount to be awarded, and
- the terms and conditions of the grant.
There is no appeal mechanism for decisions to approve or not approve a grant.
The decision maker may approve or decline grants in variance from the recommendation of the assessment team. If the decision – maker decides to approve or decline a particular grant where this would depart from the recommendation of the assessment process, the decision maker must declare this in the relevant documentation, including the reasons for the departure.
Independent probity advisors will provide guidance to the Department on any issues concerning integrity, fairness and accountability that may arise throughout the application and decision-making process. This will ensure decisions are made with integrity, fairness, and accountability, while delivering value for money for New South Wales.
Should applicants have concerns in relation to the probity of the process, they can contact the Program’s Probity Advisor directly:
Sarah Mullins, Partner
O’Connor Marsden & Associates Pty Ltd
Phone: 0413 443 374
Successful applications
Successful applicants must:
- Submit a progress report after each holiday break period
- Submit a final report on their activities
- Repay any unspent funds (unless otherwise agreed by the department)
- Be responsible for any project cost overruns
- Participate in a program evaluation or audit to determine the extent to which projects have contributed to the fund objectives (if selected).
The department will advise applicants, via email, of the outcome of their application.
The NSW Government Grant Administration Guide (2022) mandates the publication of information about all grants awarded no later than 45 calendar days after the grant agreement takes effect. The publication of program evaluations is also required. This information is published on the NSW Government Grants and Funding Finder website.
Successful applicants will be required to enter into a funding agreement with the NSW Government. A sample funding agreement can be viewed at
Successful applicants will be required to provide all supporting documentation and approvals before the Department can enter into a funding agreement. This includes Insurance and Landowners Consent (if applicable).
The NSW Government makes no binding funding commitment to an Applicant until the funding agreement has been fully executed.
Funding agreements are considered executed once signed by the organisation and the Department has received a signed uploaded copy of the final funding agreement, with all required documentation accurate and current. The Department will advise upon Agreement approval, via email.
Successful applicants must not make financial commitments for funded activities prior to receiving a funding agreement.
Grants will be paid via milestone payments set out in the funding agreement. Timing and requirements will vary at NSW Government’s discretion. Applicants who have previously been awarded Holiday Break funding, may be required to provide acquittal evidence prior to the execution of new funding agreements.
Successful applicants are required to submit progress reports to the NSW Government as outlined in the funding agreement.
The NSW Government typically receives far more applications than it can support. Applicants are not guaranteed funding. Further, even if an application is successful, it may not be funded to the full amount requested. All projects must demonstrate they can commence and be completed within the period of the funding agreement.
Applicants must either hold all relevant insurances, including a minimum $20 million Public Liability Insurance or hold equivalent or better self-insurance to the satisfaction of the Department, or be willing to obtain relevant insurance coverage prior to executing a Funding agreement with the department.
Requests for variations or changes to the project will only be considered in limited circumstances.
All awarded grants will be GST exclusive. If the Applicant is registered for GST, this will be applied on top of the agreed grant value when payment is made. Grants are assessable income for taxation purposes, unless exempted by taxation law. It is recommended applicants seek independent professional advice about taxation obligations or seek assistance from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). The NSW Government does not provide advice on individual taxation circumstances.
Successful applicants will be required to pay back unspent funds or those funds which have not been spent in accordance with the funding agreement (unless otherwise agreed by the department).
Successful applicants may be required to participate in a program evaluation to determine the extent to which their projects have contributed to the objective of the Program. The evaluation may require Applicants to provide evidence of how projects have resulted in a measurable change to the lives of residents that is consistent with the objective of the Program.
Any information submitted by an applicant may be used for promotional material prepared by the NSW Government.
The NSW Government Grant Administration Guide (2022) mandates the publication of information about all grants awarded no later than 45 calendar days after the grant agreement takes effect. The publication of program evaluations is also required. This information is published on the NSW Government Grants and Funding Finder website. may choose to publicly announce funding for individual applications. It may also use information provided in the grant to develop case studies.
All recipients of NSW Government funding should acknowledge this financial support as per the Funding Acknowledgement Guidelines for Recipients of NSW Government Grants available at branding/sponsorship-and-funding-acknowledgment-guidelines.
The department reserves the right to undertake an audit of grant funding within a period 7 years from the signing of the funding agreement.
Applicants must advise the department of any changes to their legal status or of changes or delays to their project.
Additional information
Additional information and resources will be available to applicants on the Holiday Break webpage, including relevant application templates and frequently asked questions.
For more information, please contact
Applicants should be aware that information submitted in applications and all related correspondence, attachments and other documents may be made publicly available under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (NSW). Information that is deemed to be commercially sensitive will be withheld.
The Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (NSW) makes government information accessible to the public by:
- requiring government agencies to make certain sorts of information freely available
- encouraging government agencies to release as much other information as possible
- giving the public an enforceable right to make access applications for government information
- restricting access to information only when there is an overriding public interest against disclosure.
Any concerns about the Fund or individual applications should be submitted in writing to If you do not agree with the way the Department handled the issue, you may wish to contact the NSW Ombudsman.
Applicants must not participate in any anti-competitive conduct.
It is a condition of the grant program application process that no gifts, benefits, or hospitality are to be made to any department/agency employee at any time. Any inducement in contravention of this condition may result in an applicant’s proposal not being considered.
There may be a requirement for a conflict-of-interest declaration to be submitted with all proposals or in the application form.
Where a conflict-of-interest detrimental to the assessment process is identified, mitigation measures must be put in place, or an individual may be asked not to participate in the application, assessment, or delivery stage of the process.
All department staff engaged in the program are required to complete a conflict-of-Interest declaration and a declaration register is maintained as per departmental requirements.
- The department may, in its absolute discretion, and without limiting any other right which the department may have, do all or any of the following at any time without giving notice or reasons:
- require additional information from an applicant
- change any of the requirements of these Guidelines
- alter or vary any process, procedure or timing related to the grant opportunity, including any process, procedure or timing regarding the consideration or the evaluation of any application or all applications
- suspend or terminate the grant opportunity
- negotiate with one or more applicant(s) without prior notice to any other applicant
- terminate any negotiations being conducted with any applicant
- readvertise for new applicants
- consider any ineligible application
- terminate further participation in the grant opportunity by any applicant for any reason (including if the department reasonably considers an application to contain any false or misleading claims or statements)
- not proceed with any funding agreement, or
- proceed with a funding agreement in ways not contemplated in these Guidelines.
All intellectual property rights in these Guidelines remain the property of the Department. Applicants are permitted to use these Guidelines for the purpose of preparing an application only. Applicants must not use these Guidelines, or any information contained in these Guidelines for any other purpose.
Applications submitted in response to these Guidelines remain the property of the applicant, unless otherwise agreed between the applicant and the Department. The applicant agrees that the Department may make copies and reproduce applications for any purpose related to the grant opportunity. In addition, the department will retain (electronic and hard) copies of all applications.
These Guidelines are not an offer, recommendation, or invitation by the department in respect of any contract or commitment and, subject to a funding agreement being fully executed by the parties to it, nothing in these Guidelines will form the basis of any contract or commitment.
Submission of an application does not guarantee an award of grant funding. These guidelines are subject to change at any time at the sole discretion of the department.
The department does not guarantee or warrant and accepts no legal liability whatsoever arising from or connected to, the accuracy, reliability, currency, or completeness of any material contained in this publication. Information in this publication is provided as general information only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from a qualified professional.
The department recommends that users exercise care and use their own skill and judgment in using information from this publication and that users carefully evaluate the accuracy, currency, completeness, and relevance of such information. Users should take steps to independently verify the information in this publication and, where appropriate, seek professional advice.
These Guidelines are subject to change at any time at the sole discretion of the Department.
© State of New South Wales through Regional NSW 2024. The information contained in this publication is based on knowledge and understanding at the time of writing June 2024. However, because of advances in knowledge, users are reminded of the need to ensure that the information upon which they rely is up to date and to check the currency of the information with the appropriate officer or the user’s independent adviser.
Appendix A
Here is a list of the eligible Local Government Areas for the Holiday Break Program: Summer/Autumn 2024/2025.
- Albury City Council
- Armidale Regional Council
- Ballina Shire Council
- Balranald Shire Council
- Bathurst Regional Council
- Bega Valley Shire Council
- Bellingen Shire Council
- Berrigan Shire Council
- Bland Shire Council
- Blayney Shire Council
- Bogan Shire Council
- Bourke Shire Council
- Brewarrina Shire Council
- Broken Hill City Council
- Byron Shire Council
- Cabonne Council
- Carrathool Shire Council
- Central Coast Council
- Central Darling Shire Council
- Cessnock City Council
- City of Lithgow Council
- Clarence Valley Council
- Cobar Shire Council
- Coffs Harbour City Council
- Coolamon Shire Council
- Coonamble Shire Council
- Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council
- Cowra Shire Council
- Dubbo Regional Council
- Dungog Shire Council
- Edward River Council
- Eurobodalla Shire Council
- Federation Council
- Forbes Shire Council
- Gilgandra Shire Council
- Glen Innes Severn Council
- Goulburn Mulwaree Council
- Greater Hume Shire Council
- Griffith City Council
- Gunnedah Shire Council
- Gwydir Shire Council
- Hay Shire Council
- Hilltops Council
- Inverell Shire Council
- Junee Shire Council
- Kempsey Shire Council
- Kyogle Council
- Lachlan Shire Council
- Lake Macquarie City Council
- Leeton Shire Council
- Lismore City Council
- Liverpool Plains Shire Council
- Lockhart Shire Council
- Maitland City Council
- Mid-Coast Council
- Mid-Western Regional Council
- Moree Plains Shire Council
- Murray River Council
- Murrumbidgee Council
- Muswellbrook Shire Council
- Nambucca Valley Council
- Narrabri Shire Council
- Narrandera Shire Council
- Narromine Shire Council
- Oberon Council
- Orange City Council
- Parkes Shire Council
- Port Macquarie-Hastings Council
- Port Stephens Council
- Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council
- Richmond Valley Council
- Shellharbour City Council
- Shoalhaven City Council
- Singleton Council
- Snowy Monaro Regional Council
- Snowy Valleys Council
- Tamworth Regional Council
- Temora Shire Council
- Tenterfield Shire Council
- The Council of the Municipality of Kiama
- Tweed Shire Council
- Upper Hunter Shire Council
- Upper Lachlan Shire Council
- Uralla Shire Council
- Wagga Wagga City Council
- Walcha Council
- Walgett Shire Council
- Warren Shire Council
- Warrumbungle Shire Council
- Weddin Shire Council
- Wentworth Shire Council
- Wingecarribee Shire Council
- Yass Valley Council
Appendix B
LGAs eligible for travel loading are those classified by The Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) Remoteness Structure (2021) as the majority or the entirety of the LGA categorised as remote or very remote and include
- Balranald
- Bogan
- Bourke
- Brewarrina
- Broken Hill *classified as outer regional but eligible as a service hub for remote and very remote areas
- Carrathool
- Coonamble
- Central Darling
- Cobar
- Hay
- Lachlan
- Moore Plains
- Walgett
- Warren
- Wentworth
- Unincorporated NSW.