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Checking Up On Others , Dr Murray Wright

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Checking Up On Others , Dr Murray Wright

When we’re going through difficult times, it’s really important to look out for those people who are close to you. I’m talking about family, friends, neighbours and work colleagues. We actually know these people really well and we can tell if they’re not behaving like their normal selves. 

It’s important if you know someone and you think they’re not coping very well, to ask them if they’re OK. Sometimes people worry that asking that question is going to make people feel worse. It doesn’t.

In fact the opposite is true. They find it very reassuring to be able to talk about how they’re feeling and to get some advice. Simply asking people if they’re ok doesn’t require special skills. You just need to be able to listen and provide non-judgemental support.

If the issue comes up, you can tell someone how they might be able to talk to their GP or other health provider, but there are also lots of helpful resources online.

The nation's Chief Medical Officer waited to brief Prime Minister Scott Morrison on the global emergence of COVID-19


It became clear the virus was spreading through human-to-human transmission, an inquiry has heard.


  • The global death toll from coronavirus has passed 183,000. There are more than 2.6 million known cases of infection but more than 709,000 people have recovered, according to the Johns Hopkins University tally
  • Senate committee hearing told that Chief Medical Officer waited to brief the PM on the coronavirus until it was clear it was spreading through human-to-human transmission
  • Attorney-General Christian Porter says police will not have access to the contact tracing app
  • WHO head says he hopes the Trump administration will reconsider its suspension of funding
  • A hearing into the Ruby Princess debacle will continue today, with the inquiry chief rejecting claims it was "hidden" from the public

Important update

This is really important information 

The second day of the Special Commission of Inquiry into the Ruby Princess Cruise Ship has had to adjourn for a recess less than 30 minutes after it began, with technical issues continuing to plague the video hearing.




More info

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Text is here from somewhere.

And another one as well. 

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Text is here from somewhere.

And another one as well. 

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Text is here from somewhere.

And another one as well. 

A man packing tomatoes

Text in here. And the info is here as well. 

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