Narrow bridges and roads

Narrow bridges and roads can be dangerous. Understand the signs and rules you must follow to stay safe on NSW roads.

Approaching narrow bridges and roads

When you approach a narrow bridge or a narrow road with a ‘Give way’ sign, you must slow down and prepare to stop.

You must give way to vehicles approaching from the opposite direction.

Cars on a bridge
Car B must give way to Car A on a bridge

If there’s no ‘Give way’ sign, you should still give way to approaching vehicles.

Look out for oversize vehicles as they may drive down the centre of a bridge and take up more than one lane. Be prepared to stop and wait for the vehicle to exit the bridge.

Be prepared to stop and wait for the vehicle to exit the bridge.

Road signs showing narrow bridge or road ahead

Narrow bridge road sign
Road sign indicating narrow bridge

Be aware you are approaching a narrow bridge road sign
Road sign indicating narrow bridge ahead

Be aware the road narrows ahead as you are approaching a narrow bridge
Road sign indicating road narrows ahead
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