About this location
- Where
2 Loftus Street, Milparinka NSW 2880
- Accessibility
- Does not cater for people with access needs
Contact details
(08) 8019 3862
Evelyn Creek lies immediately to the east of the boundaries of Milparinka, just beyond the caravan park. It is an ephemeral creek (meaning it only runs after major rain) so it is often dry, yet home to a good deal of wildlife, especially birds.
It is on privately owned property and access is a privilege not a right, so everyone must do the right thing.
The creek was traditionally the home for Malyangapa people but Sturt’s expedition and settlement brought about major changes. Miners used the creek to wash paydirt and gradually the waterholes silted up.
As part of the Sturt’s Steps project a portion of the western side of the creek was desilted to enable creek flows to fill it and replicate what a traditional water hole might look like.
It is an attractive natural environment; large red gums loom over the waterhole, coolabahs sit in the centre. At times it will have water but as nature demands, it does dry out.
Visitors may enjoy nature walks along this part of the creek but not cross beyond the first channel onto Private Property. It is a lovely, shady, peaceful environment, but please keep in mind that it is private lease-hold and not for camping or hiking too far from the Milparinka environs. Dogs must be kept on a leash.