Financial skills

Understand how to spend and save, tax and superannuation, and how to get help to pay a fine.

calculator, cash and budgeting spreadsheets

Money tips and guidance

Lots of notes of cash
Spending and saving
Three adults in surgical masks have a conversation in a classroom
Student life and money

You can start thinking about money even as a student or if your income is low.

Police officer giving a driving fine
Fines and penalties

You could be given a fine or penalty notice for breaking the law. Find everything you need to know about getting a fine.

Tax form, folder and laptop on a desk with a hand using a calculator
Tax and super
A credit card is being cut in half by a pair of scissors

Debt is money you have borrowed and needs to be repaid. Debts include car loans, credit cards, buy now pay later services and mortgages. If you are struggling to repay your loans you can get help.

A stack of paper bills on a desk that are due to be paid with a pen and calculator.
Credit reports and fraud prevention

Understanding how credit scores and credit reports work can help you protect yourself, including monitoring your own reports for suspicious activity or applying for a credit ban after fraud has occurred.

How to manage your finances

The video explains how to manage your finances. This includes planning, organising and controlling your money by raising and effectively using funds, paying rent and budgeting. 

The Life Skills resources have been created with the goal of providing young people with support as they transition to adulthood.


Financial Management - Life Skills

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