Celebrate our volunteers

Dive into inspiring stories and learn about the invaluable contributions and achievements of volunteers in NSW.

group of flying doctors volunteers standing in front of a small plane

Recognising volunteers

Volunteer of the Year Awards

The Volunteer of the Year awards are an annual initiative implemented by The Centre for Volunteering that is proudly supported by the Department of Communities and Justice. The Awards encourage, celebrate and recognise the contributions and positive impact that volunteers have in our communities.

group shot of foodbank  volunteers
fire instructor demonstrating something to a volunteer

Volunteer recognition program

The Volunteer Recognition Program has been wound up.  Volunteers can be recognised through The Centre for Volunteering’s Volunteer of the Year Awards

Uplifting young people who volunteer

From the Duke of Ed Award to the volunteer recognition program, learn about the ways we recognise the contribution of young people and students who volunteer.


The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award

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The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award

Have you heard about the Duke of Ed?

Let me tell you a bit about it. It's an internationally recognised youth development program for 14 to 24-year-olds. You can adapt the award to suit your personal interests and goals. In fact, you might already be doing an activity that counts towards the award or you can try something new. 

There are four sections to complete: - Physical recreation, Skills, Volunteering and then Your adventurous journey. 

You can choose from a load of physical recreation activity, like these guys - video shows young adults kayaking, playing cricket and motor bike riding.

You get to volunteer - there's so many ways you can make a difference, and you'll get to meet some incredible people. (Video showing surf life savers, people collecting rubbish from a park, a young woman working in an animal shelter, another woman working in a library, a young person in a wheelchair on a basketball court.)

For your skill, you can pretty much do any skill you want. Here are some of my favourites. (Video of people learning to drive, making a cake, writing HTML code, dress making.)

You also get to do the adventurous journey and explore some amazing places like this. (Video of people hiking and the bush at night.)

What are you waiting for? 
Grab a friend and get started on your Duke of Ed journey.

Be inspired by the volunteers of NSW

There are many ways that people can volunteer. From helping out in a community garden or local charities, to volunteering at major sporting events and museums. Volunteering offers you a way to experience new things, gain new skills, and meet amazing people.


From left to right: The Royal Flying Doctors Visitor Centre Dubbo, Wrap with Love, Dubbo RiverCare Group, The Bathurst 6 Hour race, NSW Volunteer Rescue Association, The Royal Easter Show, The Mudgee Classic race, The Australian Museum. 

Ben's volunteering story

Hear how Ben volunteers his time to make a difference in his community. 


Ben volunteering hero

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Video transcript

Ben volunteering hero

In my day job I'm a paediatric nurse 

I also volunteer as a firefighter and

a surf lifesaver so I think somehow it's

just in my DNA and in my blood to just

want to give back to people and give

back to the community

having a disability or an impairment in some form

doesn't stop me so why shouldn't stop

you from doing what you love 

you could say the surf lifesaving and the firefighting

aren't necessarily the easiest thing to

do but for me personally I love a

challenge and anything that challenges

me to reach my full potential and be the

best like give it a go no matter what it

is what motivates me to be a volunteer

is that if you love something and love

doing it you never work a in a day in

your life so it's it's hard not to keep

coming back and doing this when it's so

much fun and you enjoy it

Want to get involved?

If you're ready to start volunteering, you can learn how to look for an opportunity to get involved.

Volunteer now

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